San Miniato

Greetings from San Miniato, the beautiful city on the Tuscan hills

Hello friends and welcome to my summary of San Miniato, a charming city located on the Tuscan hills in the province of Pisa. With a history that dates back to the 8th century, San Miniato is rich in culture, breathtaking landscapes, and food delicacies that are synonymous with a Tuscan city.

Physical geography

San Miniato is located on three hills with an intact medieval urban layout, at an altitude of 140 meters above sea level. This strategic position allowed it to control the main road and river axes in the area, such as the Via Francigena and the Pisan-Florentine route. In Ponte a Egola, on the northwestern side of the municipal territory, there is instead the industrial part, focused on leather production and developed since the nineteenth century.

San Miniato: history, gastronomy and nature on the Tuscan hills


San Miniato was founded by the Lombards in the 8th century, and later fortified by Frederick II of Swabia, who had his vicar for Tuscany reside there. Thanks to its Germanic origin, San Miniato was a center of Ghibelline tradition and was called San Miniato al Tedesco. However, after the peace treaty with Florence in 1370, it adopted the Florentine calendar and changed its name to San Miniato al Fiorentino. The city obtained the bishop's seat in 1622 and became a separate diocese.

San Miniato was also visited by the young Napoleon, who went there twice. The first time was to obtain the certificate of nobility for his family, the Bonapartes, who were originally from San Miniato; the second time was during the Italian campaign of 1796-97 when he met the last survivor of the Tuscan branch of the family at the Buonaparte palace, as evidenced by a plaque affixed on the palace itself.

Typical products

San Miniato is famous for its white truffles and its wine and olive oil products. Agriculture is still an important activity in the area, with the cultivation of vines and olive trees dominating the agricultural lands on the southern side. The white truffles of San Miniato are considered a true delicacy, and a festival dedicated to this delicious ingredient is held in November. In addition, the city has a long tradition in the production of prestigious wines such as Chianti, Brunello di Montalcino, and Vino Nobile di Montepulciano.

Tourist attractions

San Miniato has a lot to offer its visitors. The historic center of the city, with its cobbled streets, churches, and medieval tower houses, offers a pleasant walk through history. The church of San Domenico, dating back to the 13th century, and the Collegiate church of Santa Maria Assunta, from the 15th century, are some of the most important churches in the city. The Civic Archaeological Museum, on the other hand, houses important artifacts dating back to the Etruscan and Roman eras. But San Miniato is also an ideal destination for nature lovers, with its fascinating landscapes and trails that offer splendid views over the Arno valley.


San Miniato is a charming hilltop city, with a history rich in culture and traditions that date back to the Lombard era. The strategic location of the city allowed it to control the main road and river axes in the area, making it important for the historical events between Florence and Pisa. The city is famous for its typical products, in particular its white truffles, but also its prestigious wines. San Miniato offers a complete experience of history, nature, and typical Tuscan cuisine. There's nothing better than strolling through the old town, admiring the medieval tower houses and ancient churches, and discovering the secrets of local culinary tradition. Come and visit San Miniato, you won't regret it!

Francesco Serra
Updated Tuesday, Feb 1, 2022