San Michele di Ganzaria

Welcome to San Michele di Ganzaria

Hello friends! Today we will talk about San Michele di Ganzaria, an Italian municipality with a population of 2890 located in the metropolitan city of Catania, in Sicily.

Physical geography

San Michele's territory covers an area of 25.59 km² with an average elevation of 490 m above sea level. It is a predominantly hilly area located near Mount Ganzaria, south of the Erei Mountains. The rural area of the municipality is much larger than the urban area, making it a perfect place for those who wish to stay in a quiet environment away from the chaos of the city.

San Michele di Ganzaria: history, nature, and culture on the Sicilian hill.


Mount Ganzaria is divided into eight districts: Consorto, Cutuminello, Listingazzo, Monte Zabaino, Pesce Morto, Piano Caltagirone, Piano Cannelle, and Vallone dell'Eremita. It was named after the Arabic toponym "cinghialeria" because, in ancient times, the area was frequented by wild boars.

Inside the mountain, there is a refuge belonging to the Forest Service of the Sicilian Region ("Case Costa") and an equipped area near the pine forest. Mount Ganzaria is also an ideal destination for archaeology enthusiasts, thanks to the presence of numerous historical sites of extraordinary interest, such as Monte Zabaino, where a prehistoric site was found dating back to the final phase of the Copper Age and the early Bronze Age.

In the western part of the mountain, the site Piano Cannelle-Castellazzo has revealed a necropolis dating back to the late-ancient and Byzantine periods. Furthermore, on the top of a hill ridge located in the southwestern part of Mount Ganzaria, we find the archaeological site of Poggio Pizzuto, where the remains of a lookout tower from the Angevin-Aragonese period were discovered, placed in control of the southwestern slope of the Vallone dell'Eremita.


The history of San Michele di Ganzaria is very fascinating. The city was founded around the year 1000, probably by the Arabs. Even after the expulsion of the Arabs, the hamlet continued to be inhabited, and during the Angevin domination, the Church of San Michele Arcangelo (San Michele di Ganzaria), also known as "Fanum Gallorum," was erected, the Temple of the French.

The oldest document concerning the feud of Ganzaria dates back to 1276 and attests to the possession of the feud by Guglielmo De Padula. Subsequently, the feud passed into the hands of the powerful Modica family of Caltagirone and then to Antonio Gravina, firstborn son of Agata Modica and Vassallo Gravina Speciale, also known as "il Bellicoso," captain in the armies of Charles V of Habsburg.

The project of the "First world park of the Mediterranean lifestyle"

From this 2022, the municipality of San Michele di Ganzaria is participating in the project of the "First world park of the Mediterranean lifestyle" together with 103 other cities in central Sicily. The project aims to enhance the cultural, historical, and enogastronomic heritage of the cities involved, promoting their tourist development and the economic growth of the area.


San Michele di Ganzaria is a unique place, ideal for those seeking peace and tranquility away from the chaos of the city. Its history, culture, and pristine nature make this municipality a gem of Sicily. Definitely not to be missed!

Sofia Greco
Wrote by Sofia Greco
Updated Monday, Mar 7, 2022