San Massimo

San Massimo: a small municipality in the heart of the Sannio Apennines

San Massimo is a municipality nestled in the mountains of the Sannio Apennines, located in the province of Campobasso in Molise. With a population of about 1,700 inhabitants, the city's historic center developed in the twelfth century with the foundation of the Abbey of San Nicola (tenth century) and the reconstruction of the castle.

A brief history of the city

San Massimo has undergone several changes over the centuries, one of the most significant being the earthquake of 1805 which forced citizens to rebuild the center. The castle disappeared, and the parish church was rebuilt in neoclassical forms. Today, San Massimo is a winter tourist destination for winter sports such as skiing in Campitello Matese, while in summer it attracts tourists looking for natural coolness.

San Massimo: a mountain municipality between history and sports.

Symbols of the city

The coat of arms of San Massimo is azure, with the bust of San Massimo, on a base of gold, placed on a canton of the same. The figure of the saint is depicted with his right arm bent in the act of blessing, with his left hand holding a book and a pastoral staff. The gonfalon, on the other hand, is a blue cloth.

What to see in San Massimo?

San Massimo offers various opportunities for tourists and visitors, such as the Church of San Michele Arcangelo, built in 1656 to free the people from the plague. The gable facade preserves the portal with Renaissance frame and the bell tower is tower-shaped. In addition, the Casale La Romanella, a noble fortified house, has now become an important agriturismo in the area. The house has a control turret on the facade, circular in shape.

Sports activities

Winter sports are popular in San Massimo, the ski slope of Campitello Matese, for example, attracts many skiers during the winter. But this is not the only sport that can be practiced in the area, cycling also has a special importance in this municipality. The Campitello Matese fraction has been the finish line of the Giro d'Italia several times, such as in 1988, 1994 (May 25th), 2002 (May 23rd), and 2015 (May 16th).

Evolution and administration

Finally, the demographic evolution of the municipality has seen a gradual increase in recent decades, but the population remains stable at around 1,700 inhabitants. The municipal administration has seen several mayors over the years, and today there is a table regarding the administrations that have succeeded in this municipality.


In conclusion, San Massimo is a city that has seen the passing of centuries but is still the ideal place for skiers, cyclists, and tourists looking for peace and natural coolness. The historic center was rebuilt after the earthquake of 1805 and offers visitors monuments such as the Church of San Michele Arcangelo and the Casale La Romanella. Sports activities are important for the city, with the Campitello Matese ski slope suitable for winter sports and the Campitello Matese fraction which has seen the finish of the Giro d'Italia. In addition, the city has a stable municipal administration attentive to the well-being of its inhabitants and visitors.

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Wednesday, May 11, 2022