San Martino Valle Caudina

Discover San Martino Valle Caudina

San Martino Valle Caudina is a small Italian municipality located in the region of Campania. With its 4,757 inhabitants, the town has a privileged position at the foot of Mount Pizzone and Mount Teano. The municipality's territory covers an altitude ranging from 197 m to 1525 m above sea level. The fertile lands of the valley and lush vegetation to the north with dense chestnut and beech forests make it a place of great natural beauty.

The history of the municipality

San Martino Valle Caudina: History, Attractions and Local Flavors.


The territory of San Martino Valle Caudina was associated with the ancient city of Caudium during the Roman age and the first centuries of the High Middle Ages, during the Gothic, Byzantine, and the Lombard Duchy of Benevento phases.

The High Middle Ages

San Martino was first mentioned in the 9th century in relation to the Saints Palerio of Telese and Equizio Deacon. The cult of these saints is still active in San Martino, even though the relics were only found in 1163.

The Norman-Swabian Age

During the Norman-Swabian age, San Martino was a fief held by Count Gionata of Carinola together with nearby Airola and Conza della Campania. In the Swabian period, the fief passed into the hands of Marino da Eboli, close collaborator of Emperor Frederick II of Swabia.

The Angevins and the Della Leonessa

After the defeat of Manfred of Swabia in the Battle of Benevento in 1266, San Martino returned to Marino da Eboli's family. Subsequently, the Della Leonessa became the owners of the municipality in 1343, acquiring the castle of San Martino with its territory. The title of Duke of San Martino remained in the Della Leonessa family until 1797 when it passed through female lineage to the Ruffos and then the Pignatellis of Monteroduni.

Local events and attractions

San Martino Valle Caudina is famous for its rich culture and many tourist attractions. One of the most significant events in the town is the celebrations in September in honor of San Martino, the patron saint of the municipality. In addition to traditional religious masses and processions, there are also various cultural and entertainment activities in which the whole community participates.

The castle of San Martino and its medieval village represent one of the most important attractions in the municipality. The imposing walls and towers of the castle evoke a bygone era of battles and intrigues. The historic center of the town is located on a hill above the modern settlement and consists of numerous historic buildings in Gothic and Baroque styles.

The municipality is also famous for its fine chestnut production, which is celebrated every year with the Chestnut Festival. During this festival, visitors can taste local products, participate in contests, and watch music and dance performances.

Notes on local cuisine

The cuisine of San Martino Valle Caudina is based on local ingredients and traditional dishes. One of the town's most famous dishes is "pasta e fagioli," a thick and flavorful soup served with rustic pasta or bread. Local chestnuts are also used in other traditional dishes such as chestnut polenta and sanguinaccio.

Local wines are also highly prized. Among the best-known are Fiano di Avellino, a dry white wine produced in the surrounding vineyards.


San Martino Valle Caudina is an incredible place to visit if you are looking for history, culture, and natural beauty. The municipality has a rich history and a vibrant culture that makes it unique. If you want to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the medieval village and discover the culinary excellence of the area, San Martino Valle Caudina is the right place for you. Come and discover this wonderful municipality and its millennial history!

Francesco Serra
Updated Tuesday, Mar 15, 2022