San Martino al Tagliamento

San Martino al Tagliamento: a historical and cultural place in Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Hello everyone! Today I will tell you about San Martino al Tagliamento, an Italian municipality with great historical and cultural importance. Located in the Friulian plain, it is an agricultural center that develops along the Tagliamento river. With its 1449 inhabitants, San Martino al Tagliamento is an ideal place for anyone who wants to immerse themselves in local culture and history.

Physical geography

San Martino al Tagliamento is located on the right bank of the Tagliamento river, an enchanting place surrounded by streams and towns. One of its strengths is undoubtedly its proximity to the centers of Arzenutto and Postoncicco, with which the settlement is joined. In any case, the geographical location of San Martino al Tagliamento makes it an ideal place for those who want to enjoy the beauty of nature.

San Martino al Tagliamento: Between History and Artistic Beauty.


The history of San Martino al Tagliamento is very interesting. In 1363, the agricultural center of Arzenutto was devastated by the militias of Duke Rudolf IV of Austria. Over the years, San Martino was part of the fiefdom of Valvasone, and from 1928 to 1946 the municipality was added to Valvasone. The historical aspect of San Martino al Tagliamento is one of the reasons that attracts many people to visit it.

Monuments and places of interest

One of the beauties of San Martino al Tagliamento is its monuments and places of interest. The parish church has a Romanesque bell tower topped by a spire and preserves paintings from the '500s by Pomponio Amalteo. Outside, a large ''San Cristoforo'' is attributed to Il Pordenone. Of particular value are the stained glass windows in the parish church, the work of the Pordenone sculptor Pierino Sam (1921-2010), author of bronze monuments, numerous fresco sundials, and sacred works. In Arzenutto, the church of Saints Filippo and Giacomo has a wooden Madonna from the XV century, paintings by Giampietro da San Vito (XVI century), and a wooden triptych by Domenico da Tolmezzo (XVI century). These are just some of the most important monuments that can be found in San Martino al Tagliamento.


Demographic evolution

As mentioned earlier, San Martino al Tagliamento has 1449 inhabitants. It is a peaceful and welcoming place that lends itself to welcoming people from all over the world.

Languages and dialects

In San Martino al Tagliamento, the population uses the Friulian language alongside Italian. According to Deliberation n. 2680 of August 3, 2001, of the Autonomous Region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, the Municipality is included in the list of Italian municipalities where Friulian language is spoken for the purposes of the application of laws 482/99, regional law 15/96, and regional law 29/2007. The Friulian language spoken in San Martino al Tagliamento belongs to the western Friulian variants.


The administration of San Martino al Tagliamento is entrusted to the Municipal Council, which is elected every 5 years. The Mayor, with the support of the other members of the Council, is responsible for monitoring all the activities of the Municipality.


In this article, we could not list all the reasons that make San Martino al Tagliamento a special place. We know you will be eager to come and visit.

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We invite you to visit our website to discover more about San Martino al Tagliamento. We look forward to welcoming you!

Alessandro Romano
Updated Saturday, Jan 28, 2023