

Hello everyone! Today we talk about Saint Onuphrius, a very important saint in Italy and venerated in many parts of the country. Let's begin with the section on Saints.

The first saint we mention is Saint Onuphrius, a hermit who lived in the 4th century, celebrated on June 12th. Onuphrius was known for his ascetic and isolated life, dedicating much time to prayer and meditation. Another saint named Saint Onuphrius is the martyr celebrated on April 22nd. Finally, there is also Saint Onuphrius the hermit, celebrated on August 4th.


Let's now talk about toponymy, that is, the names of places that bear the name of Saint Onuphrius in Italy. There are many towns and villages that are called Saint Onuphrius, here are some examples:

Sant'Onofrio: history, toponymy, and religious buildings.

Religious buildings

Saint Onuphrius also has many churches and places of worship dedicated to him throughout Italy. Here are some of the most important ones:


In addition to places and churches, there are also other curiosities related to Saint Onuphrius. For example, there is a cardinal title called San Onofrio and an ex-deaconry with the same name. Furthermore, there is also a conservatory in Naples called Conservatorio di Sant'Onofrio a Porta Capuana.


And that's all for Saint Onuphrius, we hope to have informed and entertained you with this brief tour of the events related to the name! Remember to celebrate your patron saint on the right day, and continue to explore the world of Italian saints and churches. Until next time!

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Saturday, Apr 16, 2022