San Marco Argentano

Welcome to San Marco Argentano!

Hello everyone, today I want to talk to you about San Marco Argentano, a beautiful town in the province of Cosenza in Calabria! With a population of around 7,229 inhabitants, it is considered one of the most important artistic and cultural centers of the area. So, get ready for a virtual tour of this splendid city!

Physical geography

San Marco Argentano covers a total area of almost 80 km² and is mainly hilly. The municipal territory extends along an extensive plain crossed by the Follone river, on the slope of the Montagna Magna and on hilly areas. There are four major hamlets: Iotta, Ghiandaro, Scalo and Cerreto, as well as other minor ones.

San Marco Argentano: history, art and gastronomy in Calabria.


The presence of numerous scattered houses and small or medium-sized cultivated plots characterizes the landscape of the town. A vast road network connects San Marco Argentano to other nearby cities and municipalities. In addition, the municipal roads allow access to the many hamlets. Although there are disadvantages to land fragmentation, many rural settlements have been saved from soil aridity processes.


The town has a Mediterranean climate of inland hilly areas. Summer is usually hot and humid, while winter is cold and wet.


The name of the city derives from St. Mark the Evangelist, the patron saint of San Marco Argentano. The name "Argentano" (belonging to the Argento family) was added by resolution of council no. 74 in 1862, in order to favor the town's tradition.


The city has a long history dating back to ancient times. Titus Livius mentioned it together with other important Bruzi centers that joined ancient Rome in the battle against Hannibal. In 1692, the mayor of the Nobles, Don Ignazio Gonzaga, wrote a document recounting the history of the different names the city had.

Moreover, San Marco Argentano is also the seat of the diocese of San Marco Argentano-Scalea, testifying to the city's religious importance.

Art and culture

The city is famous for its art and culture. The urban center is characterized by historic buildings, noble palaces, and churches, including the Church of St. Mark the Evangelist, the Cathedral of St. Nicholas of Myra, the Church of Carmine, and the Church of St. Rocco. The Espedito De Nardo Civic Museum hosts a vast collection of ancient art, sacred objects, and archeology.

Food and drink

San Marco Argentano is also renowned for its culinary specialties! Among the typical dishes is the famous "Cuddhuraci", a focaccia with olives and crushed olives, and the sheep meat sandwich, called "Muffuletta".

In addition, the town also produces high-quality wine and olive oil.


In summary, San Marco Argentano is a splendid city with an ancient history and a cultural heritage rich in treasures. And then, as if all of this were not enough, there are truly unmissable culinary specialties! If you are a lover of art, culture, and gastronomy, you cannot miss visiting San Marco Argentano!

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Saturday, Apr 16, 2022