San Lorenzo Bellizzi

Welcome to San Lorenzo Bellizzi!

Hello everyone! Today I'll be telling you about San Lorenzo Bellizzi, a small Italian town located in the province of Cosenza in Calabria. If you love nature and tranquility, this post will surely interest you. Get ready to discover the beauties of this corner of paradise.

History of San Lorenzo Bellizzi

The original name of the town was Bellizzia from Castrum Bellitiae, the fiefdom of the ancient Bellizzi barons, who were the founders of the Chapel of San Lorenzo. In 1534, the entire area was enfeoffed by the Pignatelli marquises of Cerchiara. In the period immediately following the annexation of the Kingdom of Two Sicilies to the Kingdom of Italy, San Lorenzo became a meeting place for brigands. Interesting, don't you think?

Discover San Lorenzo Bellizzi: nature, culture and tradition in Calabria.


Speaking of numbers, the municipality has 542 inhabitants, who mainly live on agriculture, livestock breeding, and craftsmanship. But despite this, the community is very lively and welcoming, with many activities and festivals throughout the year.

Demographic evolution

If you're passionate about numbers, you'll find the demographic evolution of this municipality very interesting. I'll leave you the link of the civil registry office if you want to further explore it: [civil registry office link].


The administration of the municipality is always very present and ready to listen to the needs of citizens. Moreover, the tourist office is always available to recommend activities and things to see in the area.

The beauty of nature

I cannot talk about San Lorenzo without mentioning the wonderful nature that surrounds it. Here you can admire the Natural Reserve of the Raganello Gorges, with breathtaking views and trekking trails of every level of difficulty. Moreover, the "San Lorenzo Cassano" and "Falconara" timpe offer imposing and suggestive rocks. A place to discover!

Related voices

If you want to further explore what to see in the area, I suggest taking a look at the Natural Reserve of the Raganello Gorges, the Pollino National Park, and the Pino Loricato. You might find inspiration for your next trip!

Other projects

Lastly, I'll leave you the link of the official town website for further information on events, activities, and much more: [official website link].

I hope I convinced you to come to San Lorenzo Bellizzi. I assure you, you won't regret it!

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Saturday, Jun 25, 2022