San Leucio del Sannio

Welcome to San Leucio del Sannio!

San Leucio del Sannio is a charming Italian town located in the province of Benevento, in Campania. Here, on the hill that separates the Sabato valley from that of the Serretelle stream, you can immerse yourself in the millennia-old history of this land rich in charm and natural beauty.

A little geography

With its 2,936 inhabitants, San Leucio del Sannio extends over an agricultural area of ​​459.48 hectares. This town is about 9 km from the provincial capital and presents visitors with a suggestive town overlooking the breathtaking panoramas of the wonderful Sannite territory.

Discover San Leucio del Sannio: history, beauty and traditions.

The history of San Leucio del Sannio

The city of San Leucio del Sannio has ancient origins. Initially, the town was called "Casale de 'Collinari" and was later renamed "San Leucio de Collina" after the homonymous church dedicated to Saint Leucio of Alexandria.

For over seven centuries, this wonderful town was an important hamlet belonging to the Papal State and the territory of Benevento. Other historical characters who lived in the territory of San Leucio del Sannio were Cardinal Stefano Borgia and Pope Leo XIII.

What to visit

San Leucio del Sannio is rich in surprises and natural beauty. Among the religious architectures present here, you cannot miss the Church of San Leucio d'Alessandria, built in the thirteenth century and restored to its ancient splendor after the earthquake of 1688. Another church to visit is that of San Giovanni, rich in frescoes and period decorations.

Among the civil architectures, the Palazzo Zamparelli is one of the most important places of interest in the territory of San Leucio del Sannio. Built in 1761 by Achille Bartolomeo Zamparelli, it was the residence of illustrious personalities such as Cardinal Domenico Carafa della Spina di Traetto and the governor of the principality of Benevento during the Napoleonic period, Luigi de Beer. Today, this palace, owned by the municipality, has been restored and opened to the public in 2015.

The city of San Leucio del Sannio is also known for the presence of the Church of Maria SS. della Misericordia, located in the Cavuoti district. After years of abandonment, this church has finally been restored and reopened for worship thanks to the will of the faithful and the help of the former minister Ferdinando Facchiano.

The community

The population of San Leucio del Sannio has undergone various changes over the years. The demographic evolution of the town has been constant and has seen a significant increase in the number of inhabitants during the XX century.

The municipal administration

The municipal administration of San Leucio del Sannio is attentive to the needs of the population and to the enhancement of the territory. Every year, important cultural and traditional events and manifestations are organized, such as the "Sagra delle Salsicce" or the "Festa di San Leucio".


San Leucio del Sannio is a charming town that offers visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in a unique experience in the culture and nature of the Benevento territory. You can visit the historical and cultural beauties of the place, participate in traditional events and discover the goodness of local cuisine. Come discover San Leucio del Sannio, you won't regret it!

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Saturday, Apr 9, 2022