San Gregorio da Sassola

San Gregorio da Sassola: the hidden treasure of the Prenestine Mountains

San Gregorio da Sassola, a small municipality just 40 km from Rome, is the hidden treasure of the Prenestine Mountains. With its approximately 1400 inhabitants and its extension of about 35 km², this corner of Lazio boasts a thousand-year history and a natural beauty that leaves you speechless.

Physical geography

The town extends on the western slope of the Prenestine Mountains, at the foot of Mount Cerella. The historic center is located on a volcanic base, distinct from the surrounding limestone reliefs. Thanks to its geographical position, the territory facilitates defense, a situation that has favored the settlement and birth of the town. The characteristic of the volcanic rock is to host the "Tufi Pisolitici", recognizable by the evident presence of lapilli, agglomerated spheres of ash.

San Gregorio da Sassola: the treasure of the Prenestini Mountains


San Gregorio has a well-defined urban structure in two parts: the medieval nucleus and the Baroque enlargement. The medieval nucleus has a classic "fuso d'acropoli" layout, with the main street that bifurcates at "Y" at the height of the baronial palace, where the Castle is located. The Baroque part, however, has a central street on which two residential blocks and an elliptical square consisting of four neighborhoods overlook. At the border with the municipality of Ciciliano is the summit of Spina Santa, a mountain of the Prenestine Mountains.


The climate of San Gregorio da Sassola falls in zone D of the climatic classification and is characterized by an average annual temperature of 14.5°C.


The territory of San Gregorio was part of the Ancesano fund, which Pope Gregory I donated in 587 to the Oratory of Sant'Andrea al Celio. The castle, built in the 10th century, gave life to a settlement in competition with Castel Faustiniano, abandoned in the 14th century. The history of San Gregorio da Sassola has been marked by various disputes between the noble families of the time, including the Colonna and the Orsini. In 1567, Cardinal Prospero Publicola Santacroce purchased the fief from Giordano Orsini. He later passed to the Counts of Poli (1599), with whom it became a principality, to the Barberini (1632), and then to Cardinal Carlo Pio di Savoia iuniore (1655). After the plague of 1656, the cardinal wanted urban expansion, known as "Borgo Pio," and 90 families from nearby villages were included.

San Gregorio da Sassola has left its mark on history, thanks to the Castle of the 10th century and the Borgo Pio of the 17th century, but it has also welcomed prominent figures, such as Prospero Santacroce, cardinal and diplomat, as well as reformer of religious life of the time.

Traditions and culture

One of the most important moments of San Gregorio da Sassola's calendar is the Feast of San Gregorio, the patron saint of the municipality, celebrated on May 9. The festival lasts all week and includes processions, games, music, and shows of all kinds. In addition, the municipality houses the Civic Museum, which offers a collection of archaeological, philatelic, and ethnographic artifacts.

Food and wine

The cuisine of San Gregorio is based on the Mediterranean culinary tradition: from pasta dishes to meats, cheeses, and vegetables, everything is genuine and has strong flavors. Among the local specialties, we cannot fail to mention "coda alla vaccinara," a dish of Roman cuisine made with oxtail, "pizza scima," a typical focaccia of San Gregorio, and the Cesanese del Piglio wine, a red wine with a strong and full-bodied flavor.


San Gregorio da Sassola is an ideal destination for those seeking tranquility, history, and nature. The municipality offers the possibility of excursions of all kinds, from walks in nature to climbing and mountaineering. The views that can be admired make San Gregorio da Sassola one of the most attractive destinations in the Prenestine Mountains. In addition, a few kilometers from the municipality there are other picturesque villages, such as Rocca di Cave and Capranica Prenestina.


San Gregorio da Sassola is a hidden gem of the Prenestine Mountains, a municipality with a thousand-year history, unspoiled natural beauty, and genuine food and wine tradition. Its geographical position, which favors defense, has allowed the development of a town with unique features, with two well-defined but complementary parts. San Gregorio is an ideal destination for those who want to spend time in tranquility, immersing themselves in the beauty of nature, and the culture and tradition of the place.

Martina Moretti
Updated Friday, Nov 4, 2022