San Giovanni in Croce

San Giovanni in Croce: an ancient and fascinating town

San Giovanni in Croce is an Italian commune located in the province of Cremona, Lombardy, with a population of approximately 1,899 residents. The town boasts an ancient and fascinating history dating back to at least the 11th century, as demonstrated by the earliest records of its origin found in a document dated December 10, 1022.


The oldest part of San Giovanni was located around the old parish church, and the term "Palvareto" seems to have an etymology connected to "palus," meaning "swamp," and "vetus," meaning "old." There was also a castle in the area, which the Ermenzoni family sold to Buoso da Dovara in 1264. The fortress was reinforced between 1341-45 by Bernabò Visconti and then destroyed in 1406 by Cabrino Fondulo. He immediately instructed Maffeo Moro to build a larger castle, completed in 1407.

During that century, the territories were disputed between Venice and Milan, but in 1441 an agreement left the castles of Pontevico and San Giovanni to Milan. However, the Venetians, aided by the Gonzaga family, attacked the fortress of San Giovanni, retaining it only until 1458, when the Milanese regained it.

In 1486, Duke Galeazzo Sforza enfeoffed Villa Medici del Vascello to Giovan Pietro Carminati di Brembilla, Count "Bergamino," whose son Ludovico Carminati di Brembilla married Cecilia Gallerani, a poetess in Latin and vernacular, friend of Gian Giorgio Trissino and Matteo Bandello, who created a small court of artists.

In 1620, the fiefdom was sold, along with Gussola, to Alfonso de Pimentel. It then passed to the Vidoni and the De' Soresina families. In recent centuries, the town has experienced a period of expansion and industrial development, thanks to the presence of major textile and commercial companies.

San Giovanni in Croce: between history, art, and nature.

Monuments and places of interest

San Giovanni in Croce boasts numerous monuments and places of interest, including the marvelous monumental and naturalistic complex of Villa Medici del Vascello. The villa, which became the property of the municipality in 2005, underwent significant restoration and was returned to public use in 2014. The villa is now a significant cultural tourism destination, particularly due to the figure of Cecilia Gallerani, the Lady with the Ermine portrayed by Leonardo, who became the Countess of San Giovanni in 1492.

Other noteworthy monuments include the Oratory of the Most Holy Trinity, the Church of San Zavedro, the Church of San Giovanni Battista, and the Cecilia Gallerani Municipal Theater, named after the poetess and featuring an Art Nouveau facade.

Infrastructure and transportation

The town of San Giovanni in Croce is well-connected thanks to the San Giovanni in Croce railway station, located along the Brescia-Parma railway line that is served by regional trains operated by Trenord and a regular timetable with an hourly frequency within the service contract stipulated with the Lombardy Region.


The demographic evolution of the town has been consistent over time, going from a population of around 900 residents in the early twentieth century to the current approximately 1,899 residents.

In summary, San Giovanni in Croce is a town with an ancient and fascinating history that boasts numerous monuments and places of interest. Thanks to its strategic location and the presence of important infrastructure and services, the town is an excellent destination for cultural tourism and for those who wish to live in a peaceful and well-connected environment.

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Wednesday, Mar 16, 2022