San Giorgio Scarampi

Welcome to San Giorgio Scarampi!

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about San Giorgio Scarampi, a small town in the province of Asti in Piedmont. With its 104 inhabitants, it is a peaceful and welcoming place, perfect for those seeking a break from the chaos of the cities.

Monuments and places of interest

The village of San Giorgio Scarampi is rich in history and architectural beauties. Its medieval tower, which stands imposingly in the center of the village, is a symbol of power and strength. The six-story building was once a real defensive castle, which today is part of the "Castelli Aperti" circuit of the Lower Piedmont. From the terrace of the tower, you can admire a spectacular view of the Bormida valley.

San Giorgio Scarampi: history and architectural beauties of Piedmont.


Demographic evolution

Over the years, the population of San Giorgio Scarampi has remained rather stable, standing at around 100-150 units. Despite its small size, the town has a compact and welcoming community.


The Municipality of San Giorgio Scarampi has been governed by several administrations over time. In this table, you will find a summary of the main ones.


If you are visiting the town, do not miss the opportunity to take a walk in the beautiful surrounding woods. Here you can enjoy the unspoiled beauty of Piedmontese nature and take a break from daily stress.

Other projects

If you want to learn more about San Giorgio Scarampi and its surroundings, you can visit the website of the Municipality or look at some of the many photos available online. I assure you that it will stay in your heart forever!

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Monday, Dec 5, 2022