San Giorgio Lucano

San Giorgio Lucano: an enchanted village in Basilicata

San Giorgio Lucano is a small municipality located in the province of Matera in Basilicata, Italy. With its 1061 inhabitants, the village is situated on a hill overlooking the Sarmento valley, a tributary of the Sinni river. The village is located in the southern part of the province of Matera and borders those of the province of Potenza and the province of Cosenza. The area is part of the Pollino National Park.

Physical geography

San Giorgio Lucano is situated on the top of a hill at 416 m above sea level overlooking the Sarmento valley. The location is easily accessible by car from Valsinni (15 km), Oriolo (18 km), Nocara (19 km), Cersosimo (16 km), Noepoli (8 km), and Senise (12 km). The area is part of the Basso Sinni mountain community. The municipality borders the province of Potenza and Cosenza.

San Giorgio Lucano: a charm of history and art in Basilicata.


The origin of the name San Giorgio Lucano is uncertain. It could derive from the cult of San Giorgio, which is widespread in the area, or from the Albanian hero Giorgio Castriota Scanderbeg. The village was founded in 1534 by Albanian immigrants who fled the Muslim occupation of their homeland. These settlers originally called their territory "Minullo" or "Minnuglio". In feudal times, it became a fiefdom of the State of Noia, now known as Noepoli. From the beginning of the 17th century, the prince of Noia Pignatelli favored the agricultural colonization of the territory, driving the Albanians out of the hamlet of San Giorgio and allowing the farmers of the neighboring villages to cultivate its lands. In 1810, San Giorgio became an autonomous municipality, and in 1863 the specification "Lucano" was added to distinguish it from other Italian municipalities with the same name. During the fascist period, the village was used as a place of confinement for personalities opposed to the fascist party, including the most important one, Camilla Ravera.

Monuments and places of interest

San Giorgio Lucano is a village rich in monuments and places of interest. Some of them are:


San Giorgio Lucano is a small village that offers many tourist attractions despite not being one of the most popular tourist destinations in Basilicata. Its panoramic location and the presence of numerous historical monuments make it an ideal destination for those who love cultural excursions. Visiting it is a great experience not to be missed if you are looking for a vacation outside the most popular tourist circuits.

Sofia Greco
Wrote by Sofia Greco
Updated Saturday, Dec 31, 2022