San Giorgio in Bosco

San Giorgio in Bosco: the municipality in Veneto

San Giorgio in Bosco, or "San Dordi" in Venetian language, is a municipality in the province of Padua, located in the region of Veneto, with a population of approximately 6,370 inhabitants. The territory has medieval origins and an important icon is the church dedicated to Saint George, warrior martyr, protector of the weak and patron saint of the Lombards along with Saint Michael the Archangel and Saint Martin of Tours.


The municipality developed on a territory that was already built during the Middle Ages. In the 6th-7th century, a small church dedicated to Saint George was built, which was associated with the protection of the weaker and the blessing of the Lombards. The area was also crossed by the ancient Roman road of Cogno, which connected with the consular Postumia, which joined Vicenza and Treviso.

In 1796 and 1797, Napoleon Bonaparte defeated Field Marshal Dagobert Sigmund Von Wurmser twice. The Paduan historian Andrea Gloria, in 1803, reported that in the hamlet of Paviola there was a forest of twenty fields owned by the Obizzi family and that the parish priest Anselmo Panizzon promoted land reclamation, also receiving a certificate from the Society of Encouragement.

During World War II, in 1945, a group of Germans rounded up 39 citizens of Sant'Anna Morosina, making them walk to via Cacciatora in Castello di Godego, where they were slaughtered along with other victims in the massacre of Castello di Godego. In 2015, the municipality of San Giorgio in Bosco requested compensation from Germany for this Nazi atrocity.

San Giorgio in Bosco: history and culture of a Venetian municipality


The coat of arms and the flag of the municipality of San Giorgio in Bosco were granted by decree of the President of the Republic on 2 March 1954. The coat of arms, designed by the sketch artist Ettore Pennetta, depicts the saint on horseback killing the dragon and an uprooted tree, which represents the natural conditions of the Cittadellese and the reclamation carried out by man over the centuries. The flag is a red banner.


From the point of view of honors, the municipality of San Giorgio in Bosco was awarded the War Cross for military valor for the sacrifices of its populations in the Liberation struggle and the Bronze Medal for Civil Valor for the services rendered to the homeland during World War II.


From a demographic point of view, the municipality of San Giorgio in Bosco has seen an increase in population in recent years, with a positive trend recorded in the 2011 census.


Finally, the municipality of San Giorgio in Bosco is governed by a municipal council, chaired by Mayor Fabio Valente. The council is composed of six assessors democratically elected by the municipal council, with the task of governing the community.


In summary, San Giorgio in Bosco is a place of great historical and cultural interest, which boasts a long tradition that dates back to the Middle Ages. The municipality, which has a population of around 6,370 inhabitants, has been awarded various honors for its sacrifices in the Wars and during the Liberation period. Finally, it is governed by the municipal council chaired by Mayor Fabio Valente.

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Monday, Oct 31, 2022