San Giacomo delle Segnate

San Giacomo delle Segnate: a Lombardy municipality

San Giacomo delle Segnate is an Italian municipality in the province of Mantua in Lombardy, with a population of around 1484 people. The municipality was established in 1922 following the separation of a portion of the municipal territory of Quistello. In 2014, San Giacomo delle Segnate became part of the Union of Isola Mantovana municipalities along with other municipalities in the region.

Origin of the name

According to some sources, the name of San Giacomo delle Segnate may derive from the Lombards' habit of marking trees in the territory. However, there is no official confirmation of this theory.

San Giacomo delle Segnate: history, monuments and beauties of Lombardy.

History of San Giacomo delle Segnate

The history of San Giacomo delle Segnate dates back to ancient times, when the region was part of the legates founded by Tebaldo di Canossa. In 1494, the court of Segnate was the residence of Lucrezia Pico della Mirandola and her husband Gherardo Felice Appiano d'Aragona. Over the centuries, the territory of San Giacomo delle Segnate came under the rule of the Gonzaga family.

After the Third Italian War of Independence and the Venetian Plebiscite of 1866, San Giacomo delle Segnate became part of the Kingdom of Italy in 1866, becoming a fraction of the Municipality of Quistello. In 1924, the Municipality of San Giacomo delle Segnate was established, with a population of 3162 people.

In 2012, San Giacomo delle Segnate was hit by the earthquakes in Emilia, with heavy consequences both following the May 20 earthquake and after the tremors of May 29.

Monuments and places of interest

One of the main monuments of San Giacomo delle Segnate is the Church of San Giacomo Apostolo, built in the 18th century by architect Antonio Maria Viani. The church, located in the center of the town, is an important reference point for the local community.

The Villa Arrigona, located about one kilometer from the municipality, is another place of historical and artistic interest. Built between 1613 and 1622, the villa was commissioned by the noble Arrigoni family and designed by architect Antonio Maria Viani. Today, the villa is an important example of a country mansion, with annexed buildings and a garden or park.

In San Giacomo delle Segnate there is also the "Ca 'di Pom", the house of the painter Vanni Viviani, and two churches, the parish church in the center of the town and the one in the fraction of Malcantone.


San Giacomo delle Segnate is a municipality full of history and culture, with important monuments and places of interest that testify to the region's past. The local community is committed to preserving the traditions and beauty of the territory, inviting visitors to discover the wonders of this small municipality in Lombardy.

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Friday, Feb 11, 2022