San Germano dei Berici

Discovering San Germano dei Berici

Hi everyone! Today, I'm taking you to discover San Germano dei Berici, a small Italian municipality in the province of Vicenza, belonging to the Val Liona territory. San Germano dei Berici, or as it's called in Venetian dialect, San Zerman dei Bereghi, was an autonomous municipality until February 16, 2017. Since then, it has been merged with the municipality of Grancona to form the new municipality of Val Liona.

Physical Geography

San Germano dei Berici is located in the heart of the Berici Hills, in an area characterized by the presence of swamps and ancient settlements. The Villa del Ferro hamlet, in particular, has been the site of important archaeological findings dating back to the Roman era.

San Germano dei Berici: history, monuments, and architectural beauties.


The village of San Germano dei Berici has an ancient history dating back to the 13th century. The first historical evidence of this town is represented by the Benedictine Parish church of San Germano, which was dedicated to the patron saint of the municipality.

During the 14th century, San Germano dei Berici was subject to the Scaliger domination and was part of the administrative territory of the civil Vicariati of Orgiano until the end of the 18th century. Later, during the 18th century, the territory of San Germano became an area of ​​banditry, so much so that it became a garrison of the Austrian army.

Monuments and Places of Interest

San Germano dei Berici is rich in monuments and places of interest, particularly from an architectural and religious point of view. Among the most important places of worship in the municipality, we find the church of San Germano, the church of San Martino Vescovo, the church of Sant'Andrea, and the oratory of San Lorenzo. All of these places of worship date back to the medieval period, and some of them have undergone important restoration and renovation works.

Among the civil architectures, we can admire splendid Renaissance villas such as Villa Bollani-Brunello, Villa Vajenti, Villa Dolfin, and Villa Custoza Lazzarini, which represent real architectural treasures of the territory.


San Germano dei Berici is a municipality that contains much more than we imagine. Its history, culture, and architectural beauties are emblematic of a glorious past and a present to discover. If you visit the province of Vicenza, don't miss the opportunity to stop in San Germano dei Berici and admire its beauty. I'm sure you won't regret it!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Wednesday, Feb 15, 2023