San Fili

Discovering San Fili: the city on the border of the Coastal Range

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about the beautiful city of San Fili, located on the eastern slope of the Coastal Range. With its peak on Mount Luta and the Emoli stream, this city offers the perfect combination of nature and history.

Some physical geography

San Fili is located on three hills and is surrounded by beautiful countryside. The mountain, 1231 meters high, is a natural attraction of the city that offers trekking and panoramic walks. The Emoli stream runs through the city, giving a touch of freshness and serenity to the area.

San Fili: nature, history, and religious architecture in a unique city.

History and famous people

San Fili has a rich history that can be discovered by visiting the city center. It is said that the city was originally called Terra Sancti Felicis in honor of San Felice, to whom the population was very devoted. In the fifteenth century, the city became part of the county of Rende belonging to the Doges of the Republic of Genoa Adorno. In addition to its history, San Fili has given birth to many famous people, including the Miceli brothers and Baron Marcello Miceli, Gentleman of His Holiness Paolo VI, Pope John Paul I and Pope John Paul II, and Knight of Grace and Devotion of the Sovereign Order of Malta.

Places of interest

If you decide to visit San Fili, you cannot miss its historic churches. The Church of the Santissima Annunziata, already present in 1304, has undergone many changes over the years. The reconstruction and advancement project carried out by Don Saverio Ricciulli di Rogliano between 1748 and 1802 greatly improved the church, which today is a beautiful example of Baroque architecture. The Church of the Retreat, called Santa Maria degli Angeli before, is another example of religious architecture, built in the seventeenth century. The church was restored in 1996 and houses the statue of the Madonna degli Angeli made by a student of the renowned sculptor Antonello Gagini.

San Fili is a city where history, nature, and religious architectures come together to create a unique atmosphere. Don't miss the opportunity to visit this splendid city and be captivated by its charm.

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Saturday, Jan 21, 2023