San Cristoforo

The story of Saint Christopher

Saint Christopher was a gruff giant who worked as a ferryman, taking people from one side of the river to the other. His legend has been depicted in different ways between the West and the East.

According to the Eastern hagiographic tradition, Christopher was a soldier in the imperial army who, once converted to Christianity, proclaimed his faith to his comrades and was consequently subjected to torture. Two women who were supposed to corrupt him were instead converted by him. Eventually, Christopher was beheaded.

In the West, however, the meaning of his name prevailed, which pursued etymology: "Christopher" in Greek means "(he who) carries Christ", and this was the main aspect of the legend. One day, Christopher met a child who asked him to transport him to the other side of the river. It was Jesus himself, carrying not only the weight of his body but also that of the world's karma. Despite being very strong, Christopher struggled to carry the child, but eventually reached the opposite shore. After his baptism and conversion, Saint Christopher became a preacher who later suffered martyrdom.

The responsibility of man

This aspect of the legend of Saint Christopher emphasizes how important it is for man to take responsibility for the entire world. After the advent of Christ, man no longer concerns himself solely with his small world but also with everything that surrounds him. Not everyone was able to understand Christopher's message, but those who did were deeply moved by it.

Christopher symbolized concern for the care of the world, an important message that should still be spread throughout the world today.

San Cristoforo: a symbol of responsibility and the unity between man and nature.

Christopher with a dog's head

Saint Christopher was often depicted in iconographic tradition as a cynocephalus, a being from mythology. He represented the union between spirituality and nature.

His figure is often accompanied by frescoes and icons during Byzantine art. The cynocephalus was considered the best of both worlds, representing the union between man and nature.


The legend of Saint Christopher has been passed down from generation to generation, taking on different meanings depending on the different interpretations and cultures of the peoples. At its center is always the figure of man, who must take responsibility for the world and care for nature.

This legend teaches us that we should always take care of what surrounds us, implementing sustainable practices and living ethically for the good of humanity and the entire planet. The figure of Saint Christopher stands out for his great strength and determination to do his job; the main message is to always take responsibility for our actions and for the world in which we live.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Saturday, Jul 30, 2022