San Colombano

Welcome to San Colombano Certènoli!

Welcome to the town of San Colombano Certènoli, a scattered municipality with a population of around 2559 inhabitants in the metropolitan city of Genoa in Liguria, Italy. The municipality takes its name from two of its fractions: San Colombano (the most important from a historical point of view) and Certenoli, the largest one. The municipal seat is located in Aveggio, the third of the numerous fractions. The town has a very vast territory, the largest in the Valle Fontanabuona, between the Anchetta Pass and Mount Ramaceto.

Physical geography

The territory is also included in the Cichero valley, which separates the municipality from the Sturla valley. The center is located east of Genoa. The mountainous area of the territory includes Monte delle Groppe, Monte Azzarino, Monte Pissacqua, and Monte delle Pezze. In the low-lying areas, grapevines are cultivated thanks to the abundant presence of water.

San Colombano Certènoli: history and territory of the Ligurian city.


San Colombano Certènoli is mentioned in some documents of the Abbey of San Colombano di Bobbio as early as the 10th century. The current territory of San Colombano became the feud of the Fieschi in 1171, and serious conflicts took place in its lands between the noble factions of the Fieschi and the Malaspina who dominated the territory until the loyalty shift towards the Republic of Genoa starting from 1543. Following its historical fortunes, the Certenolesi communities were first subjected to the Chiavari captaincy - under the podesteria of Rapallo (district of Oltremonte) - and from 1608 in the newly established Rapallese captaincy. In 1672, the House of Savoy tried to incite the population of the current locality of Calvari against the Genoese Republic. In 1797, with the French domination of Napoleon Bonaparte, various villages and rural locations formed small municipalities.

The French era and administrative evolution

From December 2, 1797, San Colombano was part of the department of the Gulf of Tigullio, with the headquarters in Rapallo, within the Ligurian Republic. As of April 28, 1798, with the new French orders, San Colombano was part of the IV cantone, with Santa Maria di Camposasco as its capital in the Fossa dei Peirani, under the jurisdiction of Entella, and from 1803, the main center of the I cantone of Entella in the jurisdiction of Entella. In the same year, the municipalities of Baranzolo and Calvari were suppressed and added to San Colombano, and the following year, the centers of Camposasco, Certenoli, and Romaggi were also included in the same entity. In 1805, a new revision of administrative boundaries led to the cession of the fractions of Celesia and Cichero to the current municipality of Orero.


San Colombano Certènoli is a city with a long and interesting history dating back to the 10th century. Nowadays, it is a scattered municipality of 2559 inhabitants in the metropolitan city of Genoa in Liguria, Italy. The town has a very vast territory, the largest in the Valle Fontanabuona, between the Anchetta Pass and Mount Ramaceto. The city is famous for its wine production thanks to the abundant presence of water. Come visit us and discover the beauty of this city where nature and history come together!

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Sunday, Dec 4, 2022