San Chirico Raparo

Welcome to San Chirico Raparo

Hello everyone! Are you ready to discover a hidden gem in the heart of Basilicata? Today, I'll tell you about San Chirico Raparo, a town of 946 inhabitants located in the province of Potenza.

Physical geography

San Chirico Raparo is located at an altitude of 780 meters above sea level and borders several municipalities in the area, including Carbone, Roccanova, and Armento. The town is located on a rocky spur overlooking the Racanello valley, near Mount Raparo. The view from the heights of the town is breathtaking.

San Chirico Raparo: artistic and natural treasure in Basilicata.


The town has an ancient and fascinating history. It is said that its foundation dates back to the ancient city of Polisandra, but another theory dates it back to the foundation of the abbey of Sant'Angelo al Monte Raparo. The town had different owners over the centuries, including the Balvano, Chiaromonte, and Sanseverino families. In the eighteenth century, San Chirico developed as a center for textile manufacturing, with a laboratory for the weaving of cotton and broom.

Monuments and places of interest

The town has several places of interest worth visiting. Palazzo Barletta is a great attraction for art and history lovers, with tapestries and antique furniture preserved inside. The parish church of SS. Pietro e Paolo is suggestive and houses some valuable works of art, including a wooden crucifix from the fourteenth century and a polyptych attributed to Simone da Firenze. The abbey of Sant'Angelo, on the other hand, is located a few kilometers from the town center and is undergoing restoration. Here, you can visit the monks' cells carved into the rock. Nearby, in a cave, you can also admire some stalagmites and a rock fresco of St. Michael.

Relaxation and nature

For nature lovers, San Chirico Raparo is a true paradise. At the foot of Mount Raparo, you can admire the Sella del Titolo, a wooded area ideal for walks and excursions. The local flora is composed of beech, chestnut, oak, and oak trees. The sources of the Trigella stream and Santa Quaranta offer sulphurous waters ideal for the treatment of skin diseases and rheumatism.


San Chirico Raparo can be a perfect destination for a day trip or an alternative vacation to discover Basilicata. The town offers an ancient history, monuments, and places of great artistic and naturalistic value, as well as numerous outdoor activities. Discover the charm of this enchanted town!

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Sunday, Mar 13, 2022