San Biagio della Cima

San Biagio della Cima: history and territory

San Biagio della Cima is a municipality located in the province of Imperia, Liguria, Italy. The name of the municipality derives from the Cima, the ridge that extends from Mount Santa Croce and crosses the settlement's territory. The Verbone river is the main tributary of the municipality and contributes to the beauty of nature. The community and village of San Biagio dates back to 1259 and was a feudal domain of the Lascaris di Ventimiglia and later, under the direct control of the city of Ventimiglia. The community of San Biagio and other neighboring settlements joined the Magnifica Comunità degli Otto Luoghi in 1686. After the fall of the Republic of Genoa, San Biagio was under the jurisdiction of the canton of Bordighera, Oneglia, and finally the Maritime Alps. In 1815, the municipality was annexed to the Kingdom of Sardinia during the Congress of Vienna, and later became part of the Kingdom of Italy from 1861 until 1946.

The coat of arms and flag of the municipality

San Biagio della Cima received its symbols in 1997. The coat of arms is red with a golden lion rampant and a tower (probably the clock tower of the church) with three golden peaks. The flag has the same pattern as the emblem, but with the name of the municipality written in white above the lion.

San Biagio della Cima: history, territory and artistic heritage.

Overview of religious buildings and their artistic heritage

There are numerous religious buildings in San Biagio della Cima, including the Church of Saints Fabiano and Sebastiano in the historic center. It is believed that the building dates back to 1497, but after being enlarged and modified in 1777 to an elliptical shape by Andrea Notari, stucco work was also carried out by Pietro Notari and Pietro Lucchesi in 1784. Inside, visitors can admire a wooden statue depicting Saint Sebastian, made in the second half of the 18th century and attributed to the sculptor Anton Maria Maragliano.


San Biagio della Cima is a charming locality in Liguria, whose territory extends along the ridge of Mount Santa Croce. The history of the municipality is interesting from both a historical and geographical point of view. Numerous religious buildings and monuments can be visited, and the Church of Saints Fabiano and Sebastiano has undergone important artistic restorations over the centuries.

Alessandro Romano
Updated Friday, Jun 10, 2022