San Benedetto Val di Sambro

The Natural Beauty of San Benedetto Val di Sambro

Hello friends! Today I want to talk about San Benedetto Val di Sambro, a municipality in the metropolitan city of Bologna located in the heart of the Apennine Mountains. The territory of San Benedetto Val di Sambro is truly wonderful: unspoiled nature, valleys, mountains, rivers, and lakes await you to give you an unforgettable experience.

The Territory

The municipality of San Benedetto Val di Sambro extends over an irregular quadrilateral with a north/south orientation, with the southern side running along the ridge of the Tuscan-Romagnolo Apennines. To the north, it borders the municipalities of Monzuno and Grizzana, while to the west the Setta River separates it from the municipality of Castiglione dei Pepoli, and to the east the Savena River separates it from the municipality of Monghidoro.

Among the mountains, Mount Bastione and Mount dei Cucchi are the highest peaks, surrounded by the valleys of the Savena and Setta rivers. Alongside them are the valleys of Sambruzzo and Sambro, which gives the municipality its name. And let's not forget the Castel dell'Alpi lake, which is a show not to be missed!

The flora and fauna are rich and full of surprises. In fact, among the oaks, chestnut woods, beech, and fir trees, it is easy to encounter wild animals such as hares, pheasants, wild boars, and deer. And let's not forget the rare birds of prey that inhabit this territory.

San Benedetto Val di Sambro: the natural beauty of the Apennines

The Climate

The climate of San Benedetto Val di Sambro is Apennine, with cold winters and pleasant summers. During the winter season, there can be abundant snowfall, especially in the higher areas of the municipality. But during the summer, the temperature is pleasant, and the humidity never reaches the level of the Po Valley. The average temperature hardly exceeds 30°.

A Dive into the History of San Benedetto Val di Sambro

In addition to natural beauty, San Benedetto Val di Sambro also has an interesting history to tell.

In fact, we know that the territory was under the dominion of the Alberti family (counts of Prato) until 1381 when it came under the control of the Municipality of Bologna. Later it was given in feud to the De' Bianchi family, who maintained possession of the County of Piano throughout the pontifical age until the unification of Italy.

The most important village center until the 19th century was Pian del Voglio, to which the addendum "del Voglio" was added from the name of a nearby stream, in order not to confuse it with other inhabited centers. In 1828 it was the seat of Podesteria within the Legation of Bologna, and its municipal status was confirmed upon the passage under the new Italian state.

However, in 1871, the municipal seat was moved to San Benedetto on the pretext of a local uprising; it was only in 1924 that it received its current denomination.


As you have seen, San Benedetto Val di Sambro is a municipality that offers a lot, both from the point of view of nature and history. If you are looking for a place to unwind and enjoy some peace, then I recommend visiting this beautiful municipality in Emilia-Romagna. You will fall in love with the Apennines, enjoy fresh air, and have a lot of fun exploring this corner of Italy!

Marco Damico
Wrote by Marco Damico
Updated Friday, Apr 29, 2022