San Benedetto Belbo

Welcome to San Benedetto Belbo!

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about a very special place in Piedmont: San Benedetto Belbo. With its 162 inhabitants, this municipality in the province of Cuneo has a very interesting history and a beauty that even photos cannot fully capture.


The name of the town derives from the Benedictine monastery of San Benedetto al Belbo, founded by monks who came from the Langhe in the year 1000. Here a rich monastic fiefdom was born, which included various territories, among them Niella, Feisoglio, Saliceto, Priero and Gottasecca.

But why is San Benedetto Belbo so famous? Perhaps because one of the greatest Piedmontese authors of the 20th century lived and wrote here: Beppe Fenoglio. His love for the town and for the Langhe can be felt in every word of his novels and stories.

San Benedetto Belbo: between history, beauty, and Beppe Fenoglio


The town has experienced an interesting demographic evolution. In the past, in fact, the number of inhabitants was higher. However, today San Benedetto Belbo is an important tourist destination thanks to its beauty and the presence of Fenoglio's works.


If you want to know who has governed San Benedetto Belbo in recent years, you can find a complete table here. I can tell you that the municipality was part of the Alta Langa and Langa delle Valli Bormida e Uzzone mountain community.


Did you know that a movie was filmed here in 1991? It's the movie "Il caso Martello" directed by Guido Chiesa, presented the same year at the Venice Film Festival. Also, if you are a fan of Beppe Fenoglio, you can follow his literary itinerary, which will take you to places that inspired his masterpieces.


San Benedetto Belbo is also famous for the production of high-quality potatoes from the Alta Valle Belbo, a local product.

Related topics

If you're interested in San Benedetto Belbo, I recommend also reading about the potatoes from the Alta Valle Belbo.

Other projects

For more information, visit the municipality's page. I hope you enjoyed this brief tourist guide to San Benedetto Belbo!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Wednesday, Mar 30, 2022