
Welcome to Samatzai!

Hello everyone! Are you ready to discover the wonders of Samatzai? This small municipality of just under 2000 inhabitants is located in the province of South Sardinia, about 30 kilometers north of Cagliari. With its Mediterranean climate and millennia-long history, Samatzai is an ideal destination for those who love nature and the charm of Sardinian traditions.

Physical geography

Samatzai is located in an ideal position to enjoy the natural beauty of Sardinia. The Mediterranean climate characterized by hot summers and mild winters makes this small town a perfect place to visit in every season of the year. Immersed in nature, Samatzai is a paradise for hiking enthusiasts, with a wide choice of trails among the hills and mountains surrounding the town.

Discover the wonders of Samatzai: Sardinian history, nature and traditions.


The history of Samatzai dates back to ancient times, when the area was already inhabited during the pre-Nuragic and Nuragic eras. Over the centuries, the town has seen the passage of different civilizations, including the Pisans and the Aragonese, who have left their mark on local history and architecture. Today, visiting Samatzai, you can admire the remains of ancient villages, nuragic settlements, and other traces of the past.

Monuments and places of interest

Samatzai is rich in monuments and places of interest, evidence of a millennia-long history. Among the religious architectures not to be missed are the Parish Church of San Giovanni Battista, the Church of Santa Barbara and the Country Church of San Pietro. Among the civil architectures, on the other hand, stand out the former Town Hall, now a municipal library and medical clinics, and the Ex Montegranatico, now a cultural center. There are also monuments in honor of the Fallen in war, of Santa Barbara and Santa Lucia, as well as the famous Funtana Gruxi, a cross erected in honor of Missions.


The squares of Samatzai are the beating heart of the social life of the town. Among the most famous are Piazza 1º maggio, the largest in the town, Piazza San Giovanni, also known as Prazza de Funtana Manna, Piazza Guido Rossa and Piazza Enrico Berlinguer. Not to be missed is the Church Square, where the patronal church of San Giovanni Battista stands, Santa Barbara Square, and Prazza de Funta Gruxi, located at the intersection of Cagliari and Sardegna streets. Finally, Prazza de su Monti and Piazza Dionigi Burranca complete the list of the most famous squares of Samatzai.


The coat of arms and flag of the municipality of Samatzai are a tribute to local history and culture. The coat of arms depicts a sheaf of wheat, symbol of the main agricultural activity of the town, accompanied by five Spanish shields, representing the five feudal families that ruled the town over the centuries. The flag, on the other hand, is a yellow and white truncated cloth.


We have reached the end of our virtual journey to discover Samatzai. We have explored its millennia-long history, the beauty of its religious and civil architectures, the charm of its squares and monuments. Now all that remains is to go and visit the town in person, to discover all the other wonders that this corner of Sardinia has to offer. We look forward to seeing you in Samatzai!

Sara Esposito
Wrote by Sara Esposito
Updated Saturday, Feb 11, 2023