
Welcome to Salzano!

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Salzano, a small town in Veneto that is part of the seven municipalities of Miranese. With its slightly more than 12,000 inhabitants, Salzano is a quiet place to spend a few days relaxing and also discover some history and art. Follow me on this virtual tour!

The history of Salzano

The territory of Salzano has been inhabited since Roman times, but the first written mentions of the two villages that make up the municipality date back to the 12th and 13th centuries. Robegano and Salzano were initially independent and represented borders between Padua and Treviso, subject to numerous clashes and rebellions. It was only after 1388 that Salzano was definitively subjected to the Serenissima, living a period of great political and economic stability.

Salzano: Art, History, and Good Venetian Cuisine

The symbols of Salzano

The coat of arms of the municipality of Salzano was created from the first and last letter of the old Venetian name, "SalzaN". The coat of arms and the standard, a yellow cloth, were granted in 1979.

What to visit in Salzano

Religious architectures

The Archpriest Church of Saint Bartholomew the Apostle is one of the main attractions of Salzano. Although it was built in 1843, it features XVI and XVII century artworks. The facade has four Tuscan semi-columns and some statues of John the Baptist and Saint Bartholomew. The interior is characterized by a classic-Tuscan design and many symmetrical artworks that tell the life of Pope Pius X.

Venetian Villas

Salzano hosts numerous Venetian villas, built between the XVII and XVIII centuries by Venetian patrician families. Among the main examples are Villa Combi, Villa Contarini, Cà Bozza and Cà Savorgnan.

What to do in Salzano

Festivals and fairs

During the year, Salzano hosts numerous festivals and fairs such as the Feast of Our Lady of Grace, the Festival of Saint Sisto and the Festival of Rossignoletto. Additionally, in the summer, the Palio della Marciliana is organized, a boat competition on the Brentella canal.

Culinary experiences

Venetian cuisine is one of the most renowned in Italy, and Salzano is no exception. Here you can taste delicious specialties such as risotto with zucchini flowers, sardines in saor, baccalà alla vicentina, potato gnocchi and much more.


Salzano is a small town full of surprises and places to discover. For lovers of art and history, the Church of Saint Bartholomew the Apostle and the Venetian villas represent an unmissable stop. While for those looking for some entertainment, the festivals and fairs organized in the town and the delicious Venetian cuisine will be a pleasant discovery. So, what are you waiting for? Come and discover Salzano!

Francesco Serra
Updated Tuesday, Nov 15, 2022