
Cervignasco: a Piemonte hamlet

Cervignasco is a hamlet in Saluzzo, a city located in the Piemonte region. It is located in the northern part of the municipality and borders on the east with the municipality of Torre San Giorgio, on the west with the municipality of Cardè, and on the south with Saluzzo. In this article, we will discover the history of the village, its monuments, and the infrastructures it has.


The village of Cervignasco has ancient origins and dates back to the Roman era. At that time, it was known as "Villa Cervinia". In 1142, the village became the property of the Marquisate of Saluzzo. In 1335, the Della Chiesa family became the lords of the fiefdom and built their own noble palace. Cervignasco became the seat of a small county and remained under the control of the Della Chiesa family until 1797, when the fiefdom was suppressed by the troops of Napoleon Bonaparte and Cervignasco was annexed to the municipality of Saluzzo.

Cervignasco: history, monuments, and charm of a Piedmontese fraction.

Monuments and places of interest

Although there is no more trace of the fortress of Cervignasco, described in some historical texts, there are still some monuments worth visiting. In the village, you can find the church of Santa Margherita, which dates back to 1789, and the noble palace of the counts Della Chiesa, where the remains of St. Victor the martyr are kept.

Infrastructures and transportation

Cervignasco was served by a station located along the Airasca-Saluzzo railway, but this was closed in 1986. Currently, the hamlet is reachable by car and has several connecting roads with the neighboring municipalities.

External links

To learn more about the history of Cervignasco, you can consult the article "Cervignasco paese mancato" published in the Corriere di Saluzzo. In addition, the village is part of the hamlets of Saluzzo and can be visited during a tour of the area.

In conclusion, Cervignasco is a small Piemonte hamlet with ancient charm. Its fascinating history and monuments that can be visited make this village an ideal place for a day trip. Although it is not served by trains, it is still easily reachable by car.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Saturday, Jul 9, 2022