
Welcome to Saltrio: a commune between forests and ancient stone

Hello friends, today I will talk about Saltrio, a commune with 3021 inhabitants in the province of Varese in Lombardy. Saltrio, which in the Varesotto dialect is called Saltri, owes its name to the extraction of the famous "stone of Saltrio", used for numerous prestigious buildings and monuments in northern Italy and the Canton Ticino.

Physical geography: between mountains and plains

The territory of Saltrio is particularly varied, as 50% of it is mountainous, with Mount Pravello reaching a height of 936 meters, while the rest of the territory is hilly and flat, occupied by the inhabited center located at 293 meters above sea level. Saltrio is classified as zone 4 (irrelevant seismicity) and has a humid temperate climate, with average rainfall exceeding 1000 mm per year.

Splendors of Saltrio: history and nature among forests and ancient stones.

Origin of the name

The name Saltrio derives from the Latin "saltus" which means forest, indicating the ancient presence of lush vegetation in the area.

History: from stone quarries to the discovery of the Saltriovenator

Although no evidence of settlement in Saltrio during Roman times has been found, it is known that the stone of Saltrio was used to cover the walls of Milan already in the 1st century BC. In the Middle Ages, the commune was part of the Pieve of Arcisate, but was economically linked to the plain of the Mendrisio District, thanks to the exploitation of the stone quarries that became particularly relevant between the 17th century and the 20th century. In 1996, a large species of predator dinosaur, called Saltriovenator, was discovered in the Saltrio quarries, whose skeleton is visible at the Civic Museum of Natural Sciences in Milan.

Monuments and places of interest: from churches to palaces

Saltrio offers several monuments and places of interest of considerable importance. Among the churches, the Church of Saints Gervaso and Protaso, built in the 15th century, and the Church of San Giorgio, erected on the remains of an ancient chapel, stand out. The Chapel of the Holy Trinity, on the other hand, dates back to the 15th century and was renovated in the 20th century. Among the civil architectures, one can admire Palazzo Marinoni, which dates back to the 16th century and has become the seat of the municipal library.

Saltrio: a commune that combines history and nature

In conclusion, Saltrio is a commune that combines history and nature, with its varied territory, the quarries that have made its fortune over the centuries, and the monuments and churches that testify to the country's past. If you are looking for a peaceful destination where you can enjoy enchanting landscapes and breathe an authentic atmosphere, Saltrio is definitely the place for you.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Tuesday, Dec 20, 2022