
Salisano: a small town in the Sabine Mountains

Salisano is a small Italian town in the province of Rieti in Lazio, with a population of 496 inhabitants. The town, also known as ''Sariciànu'' in Sabine dialect, is located 460 meters above sea level, between the southern slopes of the Sabine Mountains, within a pristine nature and breathtaking landscape. The Farfa River flows in the municipal area and the area has a climate classification of zone E, 2202 GR/G.

History and economy of Salisano

Salisano has a very interesting historical past that has seen the settlement of numerous communities over the centuries, despite the current low population. In the municipal territory is the Salisano hydroelectric power station, a significant hydraulic plant managed by ACEA, which is part of the larger Peschiera-Capore Aqueduct, the main aqueduct that supplies Rome and one of the largest in the world. The Salisano plant converges the conduits from the sources of Peschiera and Capore and is exploited to produce sustainable electricity. From Salisano, the aqueduct continues towards Rome, through the pristine landscapes of the Sabine Mountains.

Salisano: a natural treasure nestled among the Sabine mountains.

Social life and demographic evolution of Salisano

Salisano is a peaceful and tranquil town, where people know each other and help each other. The area has not undergone significant changes over the years and, despite the low number of inhabitants, the community is very active. The town does not have railway stations, but it is reachable by roads that connect it to nearby cities. The small urban center is particularly attentive to the environment and to the safeguarding of the territory. In fact, many citizens are actively involved in enhancing the natural heritage of Salisano.

Administration and future of Salisano

The local administration of Salisano is led by a civic list, "United for Salisano", with Gisella Petrocchi as mayor. The community is part of the Sabine Mountain Community IV Zone and actively collaborates with local institutions for the growth and development of citizenship. The future of Salisano is centered on the safeguarding of the territory, the promotion of tourism, and the valorization of the town's natural resources. The goal is to create a more protected natural environment and a more lively urban center, capable of offering job opportunities to young people and families.

Conclusions: Salisano, a small hidden treasure in the Sabine Mountains

Salisano is a small Italian town nestled in the Sabine Mountains, a hidden treasure to discover. The town is characterized by a pristine nature and breathtaking landscape. Thanks to the Salisano hydroelectric power station, the local community is committed to producing sustainable electricity, respecting the environment that surrounds it. The local administration is active in safeguarding the territory and promoting tourism for the economic development of the community. Salisano is a place where warm hospitality and the beauty of nature merge, offering an unforgettable experience to those who decide to visit it.

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Thursday, Sep 22, 2022