
Welcome to Saletto: the joy of life in a small Venetian town

Saletto is a small and charming Venetian town located in the province of Padua, with a population of approximately 2802 inhabitants. Until 2018, Saletto was an autonomous town, but now it's part of the municipality of Borgo Veneto.


The name Saletto comes from the Latin "Salicetum", referring to the presence of numerous willow trees in the area. During the medieval period, Saletto followed the fortunes of the neighbouring Montagnana and nearby communities. In fact, every first Sunday of September, the town participates in the Palio dei dieci comuni del montagnanese. From 1405 to 1797, Saletto was under the rule of the Republic of Venice.

Saletto: small-town life in a Venetian municipality


The coat of arms of Saletto represents a Salix (willow), in reference to the possible etymology of the toponym Saletto, a river at the bottom in memory of the ancient passage of the Adige river in the territory and a sword that recalls the Roman origin of the village.

Monuments and places of interest

The parish church of San Lorenzo is the main religious building in Saletto. Built in 1747, it features a painting by the painter Bernardino Licinio depicting the patron saints Lorenzo and Silvestro with the Blessed Virgin in the centre. It underwent significant restoration in 2013.

The church of San Silvestro is located in the Garzara area, where the first inhabited nucleus of Saletto was located. Dating back to the XII century, it features frescoes from different periods.

Villa Vallaresso Pisani is a typical Venetian two-story manor house with an attic, located in the town centre. Built in the first half of the XVII century, it has recently been restored and become the seat of the municipality of Saletto and, since 2018, of the city of Borgo Veneto.

El Moraron is a secular Morus alba, a monumental tree located in Via Gorgo in the homonymous village.


Saletto has a population of approximately 2802 inhabitants. Despite its small territory, the town boasts a strong community, where village life is very important. Every year, the town organizes various activities and events that involve the entire community, such as the Palio dei comuni di Montagnana.

Demographic evolution

From 1861 to 2011, the population of Saletto has reduced from 3618 to 2802 inhabitants.

Infrastructure and transport

Saletto is crossed by the Strada statale 10 Padana Inferiore and the Strada provinciale 32. The small size of the town facilitates travel, allowing easy and quick accessibility to the surrounding areas.


Saletto is a small Venetian town, but no less interesting for that. The town boasts a strong community identity and a unique cultural and historical heritage that is worth discovering. If you are looking for a quiet place to enjoy nature, historical heritage, and village life, Saletto is definitely a place to visit.

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Saturday, Feb 11, 2023