
Welcome to Salcito, the hilltop town in Molise

Salcito is a town located in the Molise region of Italy, with a population of around 1000 inhabitants. Like many Italian cities, Salcito is a town with a long history and rich culture. Upon arriving at the small town, one might feel as if they are entering into a different era. This hilltop town is full of charm and stunning landscapes. In the following section, we will explore the physical geography of Salcito and how this town has passed through the centuries.

Physical Geography

Located on a hill at 706 meters above sea level, Salcito is surrounded by asphalt roads along the coast. From the center of the town, one can see the spectacular view of Montelungo, a small village located near Salcito. The town is also near the Trigno River, which flows through the Trigno Valley, a place of incredible natural beauty. The town is well-connected with major highways in Italy, making it easily accessible for those traveling within the country.

Discover Salcito, the hilltop gem of Molise.


The history of Salcito dates back to the time of the Lombards when the town was considered a fortified outpost. Over the centuries, the town changed its name and suffered significant damages due to events such as the earthquake of 1456. Today, Salcito is a town that reflects its history, as can be seen from the presence of destroyed medieval buildings, such as the Mascione baronial palace, which was rebuilt in 1492. Over the centuries, Salcito continued to thrive, passing ownership to feudal lords such as Di Capua, De Regina, and Spina, until Paolo Francone purchased the feud of Salcito and made it the center of the Francone family's holdings in Molise.


The emblem of Salcito vividly represents the town. A golden crown is placed on a red field, above a silver mountain, representing the profile of Montelungo. The town is often referred to as such, as the image of the town seen from its hill. A wavy blue band is represented, representing the Trigno River.

In conclusion

Salcito is a town that has seen its history intertwined with that of the Molise region. This is evident from the presence of medieval buildings, symbols, and characters that have given life to the town. The hilltop town, adorned with monuments and its incredible location, is a place to visit to enjoy the gracefulness of this historic center.

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Thursday, Oct 13, 2022