
Discovering Salcedo: The Municipality of the Venetian Hills

Salcedo is a small municipality in the province of Vicenza, in Veneto, with a population of about 1000 inhabitants. It is located on a high position on the hills, which offer a panoramic view of the Vicenza plain. The municipality's territory is bounded by two valleys on the north side and by the Laverda and Chiavone Bianco streams on the east and west sides. The volcanic hills extend mostly covered with meadows and crops. The Chiavone Nero stream also originates here, whose name derives from the color of the pebbles carried downstream.

A Geographically Rich Area of History and Science

The territory of Salcedo is marked by the presence of numerous geological manifestations such as basaltic rocks and fossils of corals and mollusks, which attract many science enthusiasts. The highest point in the area is Cima Scandalore with a height of 546 meters above sea level. Furthermore, the area is rich in water sources, which can cause soil landslides.

Salcedo: history, geology and landscapes of the Venetian hills.

Salcedo: A Name of Latin Origin

The name "Salcedo" has Latin origins and probably derives from "salicetum," meaning willow grove, similar to "roveretum," oak grove. The town underwent several name changes, from 1253 to 1294 it was called "Salzedum," while in 1434 it was referred to as "Salcedum."

A Medieval Past

During the Middle Ages, Salcedo belonged to the territory enclosed between the left bank of the Astico and the right bank of the Brenta rivers, including the Asiago Plateau, and was obliged to build castles and defense works against the Hungarian incursions. It is said that there were two castles in Salcedo, one on the Castellaro hill and one on Puvolo, but there is no historical documentation about them.

Salcedo was a fiefdom of the Breganze family, then of the Ezzelini, and in the division of the family assets made by Ezzelino the Monk in 1223, Salcedo was assigned to his son Ezzelino III, later known as "the tyrant."


Salcedo is a small Venetian municipality that offers panoramic views of volcanic hills and the surrounding plain. The Latin name of the town symbolizes the presence of a willow grove, while the geological richness of the territory makes it an ideal destination for science enthusiasts. Its medieval history is characterized by the domination of the Ezzelini family and the presence of two possible castles that have completely disappeared. Salcedo is a hidden gem in the Venetian hills worth visiting.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Tuesday, Nov 8, 2022