Sagron Mis

Welcome to Sagron Mis, the easternmost municipality of the province of Trento

Sagron Mis is a small municipality with only 175 inhabitants, located in the high valley of Mis, in the autonomous province of Trento. It is a very unique municipality, as it is the only one included in the hydrological basin of the Piave, instead of the main river of the region, the Adige. The altitude of the municipality ranges from 730 meters in the valley of Mis, near the border with Gosaldo, to 2,486 meters of Piz di Sagron, the highest mountain in the area.

The physical geography of Sagron Mis

The position of Sagron Mis is truly unique, being the easternmost municipality of the province of Trento and the closest to Belluno, in Veneto. The territory is dominated by mountains: to the northeast are the Pale di San Martino, while to the south rises the Cimonega Group, with Piz di Sagron. The watercourses that cross the municipality are Mis, which flows west on the border with Veneto, Rio Pezzea, which marks the eastern border also with Veneto, Rio Cigala and Rio Bastia which represent the border between Sagron and Mis.

Sagron Mis: the easternmost municipality of Trento, nestled between nature and history.

The origins of the name Sagron Mis

The name Sagron seems to derive from the word "sa" and " (a) grón", probably meaning "up there". The most common hypothesis is that the term derives from the Latin adjective "acer" ("maple"), or from "acer" ("sharp"). The name Mis, on the other hand, seems to come from the eponymous watercourse that flows within the municipality.

The history of Sagron Mis

The origins of the municipality date back to the 16th century, when the territory was completely covered by forests, which were cut down by charcoal burners. Thanks to the vast lands that opened up, at the end of the 17th century, some scattered settlements were formed, including Marcoi and Tiser. In 1600, the first church in the municipality was built in the hamlet of Marcoi.

Subsequently, in addition to agricultural activities, extractive activities also developed, thanks to the mines of gold, mercury, sulfur and cinnabar. In the 19th century, the economic crisis and the depletion of mines led many inhabitants to emigrate, especially to France and America, where they spread the art of chair-making.

Curiosities about Sagron Mis

Sagron Mis is a truly unique municipality with some peculiarities. For example, the municipality is the only one belonging to the hydrological basin of the Piave among those in the province of Trento. In addition, the inhabitants of Sagron Mis have created a "scabelament del contha", an invented language to communicate among the chair-makers of the area and which today has become a kind of secret language of the place.


Sagron Mis is a truly unique place, immersed in nature and surrounded by mountains. Its history developed thanks to extractive activities and peasant culture, but today the municipality is presented as a quiet place suitable for excursions. Thanks to its particular geographical position, Sagron Mis represents a place to be discovered in the heart of the province of Trento.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022