Sagliano Micca

Welcome to Sagliano Micca: A Hidden Gem in the Heart of the Biella Alps

Sagliano Micca is a small town located in the province of Biella in Piedmont, Italy, with a population of 1,537 residents. It is nestled in the Biella Alps, and its charming location and stunning landscapes will leave you in awe.

Physical Geography

The town sits on the banks of the Cervo River, with varying altitudes. The lowest point is less than 300 meters above sea level in the Andorno Micca and Miagliano areas. On the right side of the hills, far from the town center, you will find the hamlets of Code Inferiore, Code Superiore, and Oneglie. This area is characterized by beautiful western slopes that divide the Cervo Valley from the Oropa Basin. On the left side of the river, you will find Passobreve, a hamlet accessible from the valley floor, and further upstream, the Falletti hamlet. Here, the municipal territory reaches the peak of Monticchio, which dominates the Valsessera with its 1,223 meters above sea level. Sagliano Micca also has a mountainous administrative island in the upper Cervo Valley, where you can find Lake della Vecchia and the Rifugio della Vecchia.

Sagliano Micca: treasure of the Biella Alps.

Name Origins

The name Sagliano has Latin origins and derives from the proper name Sallius. In 1864, the town's name was enriched with "Micca" in honor of Pietro Micca.


The Sagliano territory has seen settlements since ancient times, as evidenced by the discovery of a cinerary urn containing Roman bronze coins near the town. In the Middle Ages, the area was part of the Andorno Marquisate, and only in 1699 did Sagliano acquire municipal autonomy. In 1722, at the behest of Vittorio Amedeo II of Savoy, the town was separated from the fiefdom of Andorno and entrusted to the lordship of the Vercelli Count Benedetto Agostino Cusani.

The town became famous throughout Italy thanks to its illustrious son, Pietro Micca, who fought for the freedom of the city of Turin during the siege of 1706, during the War of the Spanish Succession. Pietro Micca decided to sacrifice his life by exploding the powder magazine under the Santa Maria bastion, preventing the enemy army from conquering the city. Sagliano has always honored its hero, so much so that in 1864, the town's name was enriched with "Micca" in his memory.

During the years of Fascism, the town was incorporated together with the municipalities of Tavigliano, Miagliano, and San Giuseppe di Casto in the Andorno Micca municipality. Only with the end of the fascist regime did Sagliano regain its administrative autonomy.


The coat of arms of Sagliano Micca was granted on April 22, 1968, by ministerial decree and registered with the Central Heraldic Register of the State on June 11 of the same year.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Among the monuments and tourist attractions not to be missed in Sagliano Micca is the beautiful Parish Church of Saints James and Stephen, built in the early seventeenth century during a period characterized by the emergence of Baroque style in Piedmont.

Moreover, Sagliano is an ideal starting point for exploring the surrounding mountains and enjoying splendid panoramic views. The Strona Valley of Mosso, the Oropa Basin, and the Valsessera are just some of the destinations available to tourists. There are also opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts, with beautiful hiking trails, mountain bike routes, and horse riding.

Come and discover Sagliano Micca, a hidden gem in the heart of the Biella Alps, and be amazed by the beauty of the territory and the hospitality of its inhabitants.

Andrea Fontana
Updated Sunday, Mar 6, 2022