
Sacrofano: Discovering this town in Lazio

Hi everyone! Today I will talk to you about Sacrofano, a town located in the north of the metropolitan city of Rome in Lazio. With its 7,760 inhabitants, Sacrofano is a small village surrounded by nature that offers many interesting insights for geology and archaeology enthusiasts.

Physical Geography

Sacrofano is located on the slopes of Monte Musino, inside the Sabatino volcano. The municipality's territory extends over an area of ​​2,852 hectares, of which 97% (around 2,763 hectares) falls under protected areas, such as the Parco di Veio, the BestiamePossidenti University, and the Agricultural University of Sacrofano.

Discover Sacrofano: geological and archaeological treasures in Lazio.


The Sacrofano volcano was active about 330,000 years ago and has emitted very interesting geological products, including tuff, sulfates, and rare minerals such as Sacrofanite, Giuseppettite, and Peprossiite-(Ce).


Most of the municipal territory consists of a basin drained by the "fosso della Torraccia," which flows into the Tiber River at the Prima Porta settlement.


The climate of Sacrofano belongs to zone D and has an average of 1751 GR/G.

Origins of the name

The original name of the village was "Scrofano." There are several legends about its origin, including one linked to the presence of a sow that appears in the town's coat of arms. Another interpretation of the name suggests that it derives from "Sacrum Fanum," a sacred building associated with the sanctuary built on Mount Musino.


Sacrofano was part of the territory of the Etruscan city of Veio, at its northernmost tip. Here there was a network of Etruscan origin roads, reused also during the Roman period. On the municipal territory, there are numerous small Etruscan settlements replaced after the Roman conquest by Roman villas, mainly on the slopes.


If you love nature and are looking for a peaceful place to relax, Sacrofano is undoubtedly the place for you. Here you can admire the geological products emitted by the Sabatino volcano and visit ancient Etruscan and Roman archaeological sites. Come and visit us in Sacrofano, and I assure you that you won't regret it.

Martina Moretti
Updated Tuesday, Feb 14, 2023