
Sacco: a small town immersed in the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park

Hello friends, today I'll tell you about a small Italian town called Sacco, located in the province of Salerno in Campania. With a population of only 441 inhabitants, Sacco is an ideal place for those who want to experience the tranquility and natural beauty of the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park, of which it is a part.

Sammaro stream source

On the territory of Sacco, you can find the source of the Sammaro stream, a valuable resource for agriculture and animals bred in the area. Furthermore, the city is classified as seismic zone 2, indicating medium seismicity.

Sacco: history, culture, and nature in the Cilento National Park.

An ancient history

Sacco has an ancient history, dating back to the Bronze Age, as evidenced by the discovery of artifacts near the Jacopo cave. Additionally, the archaeological site of Sacco Vecchio, located on a cliff overlooking the valley of the Sammaro river, played an important role in the city's history.

Longobard and Basilian monk settlements

In the centuries that followed, Sacco Vecchio was inhabited by Longobards and Basilian monks, who built a fortress, a wall, new homes and a church dedicated to San Nicola. Although only ruins remain today, these elements testify to the site's importance in the past.

Transfer to the valley

Between the 9th and 11th centuries, the inhabitants of Sacco Vecchio moved further downstream, where they built a new settlement dedicated to San Silvestro. It was during the Swabian domination of the 13th century that Sacco became a baronial fiefdom.

Plague epidemic in 1656

The summer of 1656 was a tragic time for Sacco, struck by a plague epidemic that caused the death of over 60% of the population.

Overall, Sacco is a place rich in history and culture, as evidenced by its archaeological sites and churches. Furthermore, thanks to its location in the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park, it offers the opportunity to enjoy the natural beauty of the area.

If you're looking for a quiet and relaxing place for a vacation, Sacco would certainly be a perfect choice.

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Monday, Dec 12, 2022