
Welcome to Fontanelle, in the heart of Veneto

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Fontanelle, a town located in the province of Treviso, in the heart of Veneto. Fonatel… what? In Venetian, it sounds like "Fontanełe". Let's explore the physical geography of this area.

Discovering the watercourses of Fontanelle.

Physical geography


Fontanelle is entirely flat, except for the Vallonto mound which has been completely flattened. The territory is located at 17-18 meters above sea level and was once covered with forests and swamps, as evidenced by the millennial oak of Santa Maria di Palù, 18 meters high and 2 in diameter, discovered in 1952. Nowadays, the territory is crossed by several watercourses that I will tell you about later.


As I was saying, Fontanelle is located in the resurgence line and there are numerous watercourses here. The main river that crosses the town is the Monticano, followed by the Lia, Rasego, Resteggia and Vallontello canals.

= Monticano =

The Monticano river is about 16 km long and is one of the main watercourses in the area. It is also the most important one in the resurgence line.

= Lia =

The Lia canal, instead, flows calmly near Fontanelle. A walk along its banks is a pleasant way to relax and enjoy nature.

= Rasego =

The Rasego watercourse is formed in the Fontanelle church area by several resurgence pools, at 18m above sea level. The river flows for about 8 km and crosses the territory of Mansuè, also receiving the waters of the Vallontello canal and the Vallont ditch.

= Resteggia =

The Resteggia river, which originates in the municipality of Godega di Sant'Urbano, is almost 9 km long and crosses the countryside of Fontanelle, serving as a natural border with Gaiarine and Mansuè.

= Borniola =

The Borniola ditch, about 7 km long, crosses the countryside of Santa Maria di Palù and flows into the Monticano just south of Lutrano. Its main tributary is the Piavesella river.

= Piavesella =

The sources of the Piavesella river are located in Vazzola and it crosses several countryside and hamlets of the area. It is the main tributary of the Borniola ditch.

I have just given you a brief tour of the watercourses present in the territory of Fontanelle. But that's not all, there are also many other interesting places to visit. I'll see you soon for the next appointment with the culture and history of Fontanelle. Bye for now!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Friday, Mar 4, 2022