
Potenza: a vertical city

Potenza is an Italian municipality with a population of 64,448, located in the region of Basilicata. It is the main center of the Province of Potenza and the largest municipality in the region by population. The city is known as the "vertical city" due to its unique urban structure, characterized by the historic center situated on the highest hill, while the modern districts are located at lower altitudes.

Potenza: the vertical city of Basilicata.

Physical Geography


Potenza is located in the high valley of the Basento River, on an Apennine ridge north of the Lucanian Dolomites and among various mountains. The medieval nucleus of the town is located on a hill at 819 meters above sea level, making Potenza the second Italian provincial capital by official altitude. The modern districts, instead, are located at lower altitudes, bordering the course of the river. Potenza is located in an area with high seismicity.


The climate of Potenza is a mountainous Mediterranean climate, with cold and snowy winters and warm and dry summers. January is the coldest month, with an average temperature of +3.5 °C, while July and August are the warmest months, with an average temperature of just over +20 °C.

Origin of Name

There are several theories about the origin of the name Potenza. One of these is that the name derives from the Basento River, which in ancient Greek was called "Potizo." This term would have become "Potentia" in Latin, and from there the name of the municipality would have originated.


Potenza was founded by the ancient Romans in the 3rd century BC and became an important strategic center during the Punic Wars. Over the centuries, the city has undergone many transformations and has seen many different peoples, including the Lombards, Normans, and Saracens. In 1806, it became the capital of Basilicata.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Potenza has many monuments and places of interest, including the Cathedral of San Gerardo, the Church of San Michele Arcangelo, the Guevara Tower, and the Loffredo Palace.


Potenza is home to the University of Basilicata, founded in 1982. The university has two campuses, one located in Potenza and the other in Matera, and offers courses of study in disciplines such as law, engineering, natural sciences, and mathematics.


Potenza is well-connected through SS 407 Basentana and SS 92 delle Dolomiti Lucane. The city is also reachable by train, thanks to the Potenza-Metaponto railway that connects it to Matera and the Ionian coast.


Potenza is one of the few Italian cities to have received two gold medals. The first, in 1898, was awarded for merits in the context of national reunification. The second, instead, was awarded in 2005 due to civil merit.


Potenza is a fascinating city with an interesting history and a unique cultural heritage. Thanks to its vertical urban structure, the city offers a unique experience for visitors. Potenza is an important university center and well connected to the rest of the region thanks to its good transport infrastructure.

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Monday, Mar 7, 2022