
Welcome to Toldi: a look at the various personalities and places with this name

If you’re a lover of history or geography, you’ve probably come across one or more personalities named Toldi, or reflected on the locations that bear this name. In this article, we’ll talk about four examples of places and people that bear this name and that, in their own way, have marked the history of Europe.

Toldi - a hamlet of the municipality of Rovereto in the province of Trento

Toldi is a hamlet of the municipality of Rovereto located in the province of Trento. This location is located on the slopes of the Monte Baldo mountain range and shows its visitors the beauty of Italian nature. Toldi is also famous for the artist's path that connects the hamlet to the Sanctuary of San Colombano. Along this path, it's possible to admire works of art by contemporary artists inspired by the surrounding places. Toldi is a place of peace and tranquility, far from the chaos of big cities.

Toldi: Personalities and places that have marked history

38M Toldi – Hungarian light tank

If we talk about Toldi, we can't avoid mentioning the Hungarian light tank 38M Toldi. This vehicle, in service during World War II, was developed to replace the old Czechoslovakian armored vehicles Vz. 35. Despite being a light tank, the 38M Toldi wasn't easy to defeat. It took part in several battles, even if in the end it was supplanted by the American M4 Sherman due to its poor mobility.

Géza Toldi - Hungarian football player and coach

Géza Toldi was a football man. Born on June 23, 1912 in Budapest, Hungary, he was a football player and coach. In 1931, Toldi became part of the Hungarian national team and won the Central European Championship with this team in 1932 and 1936. In 1942, he moved to Bologna in Italy, where he won 2 league titles and played 63 games. In 1949, he was the technical commissioner of the Hungarian national team and led the team to victory in the 1952 World Cup. In this way, Toldi became one of the pioneers of modern football and certainly one of the best football coaches in history.

Miklós Toldi – Hungarian nobleman

Miklós Toldi was a Hungarian nobleman who gained a great reputation for his courage. He distinguished himself especially during the Turkish-Habsburg wars, particularly in the Battle of Mohács in 1526 and the battle of Szina in 1551. According to legend, his horse fell in battle and Toldi, to avoid losing his head, grabbed the animal's tail and drew his sword. The king saw him and, amazed by his action, made him a knight. After the Battle of Szina, the king rewarded him with the appointment of Vice-Guardian of the fortress of Eger. Miklós Toldi thus became a national hero and marked his name in the history of Hungary.


In general, although Toldi is a relatively common name in Hungary, its presence outside national borders is limited. However, the places and personalities belonging to this name have left traces in our civilization and always remind us of their importance. The municipality of Toldi in Rovereto recalls the union between man and nature; the tank 38M Toldi speaks to us of military courage; the footballer Géza Toldi speaks to us of football as a popular sport, capable of uniting people; finally, the hero Miklós Toldi reminds us of the importance of courage and loyalty in life. In some way, each of them represents a piece of history and each of them has contributed to shaping the world as we know it today.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Wednesday, Jun 15, 2022