
Discovering Marco: a hamlet in Rovereto

Hello everyone! Today I'll take you to discover a small and delightful hamlet in the municipality of Rovereto, Marco. This village is located about 6 km away from the city of Rovereto, at the exit of the A22 highway, and has around 2659 inhabitants. Despite its strategic location, Marco is a quiet and peaceful place, perfect for those who love peace and nature.

Monuments to visit

If you're looking for a place of worship to visit, you can't miss the Church of San Marco Evangelista, located right in the heart of the hamlet. This church dates back to the 12th century and has undergone various renovations over the centuries. Among its works of art, there's a 15th-century fresco depicting St. Christopher, patron saint of travelers.

Marco: The peaceful hamlet of Rovereto.

A historical point of interest: the Cocco Powder Magazine

If you're passionate about history and want to discover something unique, you can't miss the Cocco Powder Magazine. This is an area of about 14 hectares that was built between 1922 and 1927 and used as a powder magazine by the Italian Army. Today, after its closure in 1995, it has become the property of the autonomous province of Trento. The Cocco Powder Magazine is located on the eastern ridge of Mount Zugna, in Vallagarina, right in the territory of Rovereto. Inside it, you can admire numerous casemates once used for ammunition storage. Even today, there are still the watchtowers and housing where the military personnel in charge of overseeing the powder magazine lived.

Service area for Civil Protection

Today, the Cocco Powder Magazine is also used by Civil Protection as a service area for dog recovery. This lovable four-legged creature provides assistance to missing persons and Alzheimer's patients. Thanks to its extraordinary sense of smell, the dog can help locate lost people in areas that are difficult to reach.

Lavini di Marco Nature Reserve

For nature lovers, know that Marco is also home to the Lavini di Marco Nature Reserve, a particular protected natural area located right at the foot of Mount Zugna. The particular terrain formation here, with rocky cliffs, steep walls and a unique flora and fauna, contributes to creating an absolutely suggestive landscape.

We've come to the end of this short tour of the hamlet of Marco. I hope I've piqued your interest and made you discover something new. Next time you're near Rovereto, don't hesitate to stop by here!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Wednesday, Jun 15, 2022