
Roverchiara: a small town surrounded by nature

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about a small Italian town that I love very much: Roverchiara, or as we call it in the Venetian language, Rociara. Located in the province of Verona, in the Veneto region, it has about 2564 inhabitants and covers an area of about 20 square kilometers.

A privileged geographical location

Roverchiara is located on the right bank of the Adige River and is about 34 kilometers southeast of the provincial capital. The municipal territory is characterized by the presence of important rivers and waterways, such as the Bussè River, which crosses the territory, as well as numerous swamps and quarries. In the hamlet of Roverchiaretta, we find a beautiful bridge that connects the left bank of the Adige River with the municipalities of Bonavigo and Minerbe.

Roverchiara: a green village located between Verona and the Adige River.

An ancient and fascinating history

Roverchiara is a town that has an ancient and very interesting history! The first documented records date back to 813, when a document referred to a Christian community called "Schola Cantorum". This religious community lived around the parish church and the baptistery, and maintained a strong bond with the bishops of Verona. During the Middle Ages, Roverchiara had considerable strategic importance and the local parish church even had 36 priests!

The meaning of the toponym Roverchiara

But where does the name of our town come from? There are several hypotheses, but the most accredited one derives the toponym from the Latin term "rublicus", meaning "bramble". The name would thus derive from the presence of a bramble forest that extended in the area between Roverchiara and Roverchiaretta. Another hypothesis refers to the presence of a port on the Adige River, called "Ripaclara", while other sources trace the name to a family in the area called "Fonzane". In any case, our town has a very evocative name that recalls the beauty of the surrounding nature.

The municipal coat of arms

We are very proud of our municipal coat of arms, which depicts a large oak rooted in a vast green countryside. This symbol represents the tree that has always characterized the territory of Roverchiara, and that gave rise to the toponym of our town.

What to see in Roverchiara

Roverchiara is a small but very welcoming town, ideal for a relaxing walk in nature. Among the things to see, I recommend visiting the parish church of Santa Maria Assunta, dating back to the 14th century, and the bell tower, which is a towering 32 meters high! Additionally, you can take a walk in the hamlet of Roverchiaretta and admire the beautiful bridge over the Adige River, or visit the Archaeological Museum, which exhibits artifacts from the numerous caves present in the municipal territory.


In conclusion, Roverchiara is a town that deserves to be discovered! If you love natural landscapes, history, and culture, you cannot miss this hidden gem in the hills of Verona. Come and visit us and we will be happy to welcome you to our community!

Alessandro Romano
Updated Monday, Jan 31, 2022