Rossano Veneto

Rossano Veneto: a historic town in the heart of Veneto

Rossano Veneto, also known as "Rosàn" in the Venetian language, is a municipality in Veneto located at the intersection of the provinces of Vicenza, Padua, and Treviso. With a population of around 8,151 inhabitants, Rossano Veneto is famous for its ancient history and monuments. In this article, we will explore the physical geography of Rossano Veneto, its history, symbols, monuments and places of interest, society, economy, administration, and sport.

Physical Geography

Located in the heart of Veneto, Rossano Veneto is situated at the intersection of some of the most important provinces in the region. Surrounded by the hills of Veneto, the municipality has a mild and pleasant climate, with hot summers and moderate winters.

Rossano Veneto: history, symbols and monuments of the Venetian village


The origins of Rossano Veneto date back to ancient times in the Roman period when "fundus Roxianus" referred to the possessions of a certain "Roxius." The noblewoman Ermiza and her son Forzura founded a castle in the mid-11th century, which was located where the parish church is now and the defensive moats are still visible today. The family that later became known as da Rossano descended from Ermiza and produced some prominent personalities in the medieval commune of Treviso.

Throughout the Middle Ages, Rossano Veneto followed the fate of Bassano del Grappa and was linked to the da Romano family. In 1175, the municipality became part of the commune of Vicenza, then passed to Padua shortly after. In the fifteenth century, Rossano Veneto came under the rule of the Serene Republic of Venice, bringing peace and prosperity. In 1797, Venice surrendered to Napoleon, but the municipality passed to the Lombard-Venetian Kingdom before becoming part of the Kingdom of Italy in 1866.


By decree of the head of government of 14 April 1927, the municipal coat of arms was recognized. The municipal banner, granted by a royal decree on 27 February 1927, consists of a blue flag.

Monuments and Places of Interest

The church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the main monuments of Rossano Veneto. This church dates back to the fourteenth century and is characterized by a tower campanile. Inside, there are valuable seventeenth-century frescoes.


The demographic evolution of Rossano Veneto has been stable in recent years, with a population of around 8,151 inhabitants. The municipality is known for its welcoming and friendly community.


Agriculture is one of the main drivers of Rossano Veneto's economy, with productions of cereals, grapes, and livestock derivatives. Industry is represented by the presence of several companies, including OZ Racing founded in 1971, a manufacturer of alloy wheels for cars and motorcycles. Other important companies present in the municipality are Wilier Triestina, F.lli Dissegna, Fiorese Bernardino Spa, Fiorese Lubriservice Srl, Officine Bragagnolo, Favini, Lando, Stragliotto, Imarc, Selle San Marco, Alpes Manifattura Filati, I.R.M.A. costruzione veicoli industriali, and Frigoveneta srl.


The municipality of Rossano Veneto changed its name in 1867 but has maintained its strategic location in the heart of Veneto. The municipal administration is active and dynamic, with several initiatives for the improvement of the community.


The Giro d'Italia 2005 stopped in Rossano Veneto on May 18 of that year. The stage was won by Australian cyclist Robbie McEwen, who completed the 161 km course in just over four hours.


Rossano Veneto is a historic municipality with a strong cultural identity and a strategic location in the heart of Veneto. With a diverse cultural and economic heritage, the municipality is an ideal destination for those who want to get to know the history and culture of Veneto.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Tuesday, Nov 8, 2022