Roseto Valfortore

Greetings from Roseto Valfortore

Hello friends! Today I am taking you on a journey to discover a truly beautiful Italian municipality: Roseto Valfortore. We are in the province of Foggia, in Puglia, where culture and history merge with spectacular nature.

Physical geography

Roseto Valfortore is located on a hilltop at 658 meters, between the Daunia mountains and the Fortore River valley. This territory is completely mountainous, with peaks that exceed 1000 meters in height. Additionally, the fortified village of Bosco Vetruscelli, situated in the upper valley of the Miscano, was the center of the diocese of Ariano in the Middle Ages.

Roseto Valfortore: between history, nature, and mountains.


The climate in Roseto Valfortore can be humid and cold during the winter, with abundant snowfall. However, during the summer, temperatures are rather mild and pleasant. Nonetheless, the proximity to Mount Cornacchia, the highest peak in Puglia, influences the climate of this beautiful place.


The name "Roseto" dates back to the document in which the Lombard duke Liutprando decrees the freedom of the slave Cunda and his son Liupergo. Subsequently, Roseto belonged to the county of Ariano, then passed to Guglielmo II of Puglia in 1122, to Bartolomeo I of Capua in 1294, and later to Roberto of Capua in 1338. In 1497, the village was brought to its maximum splendor by Bartolomeo III, who received feudal confirmation from King Federico I of Naples. In 1848, Roseto took part in the first popular uprisings, while in 1860 Garibaldi's troops set fire to the town, culminating in the execution of six Bourbon soldiers. In 1882, emigration to the United States began, where Roseto emigrants in Pennsylvania founded a new community across the ocean.

Roseto Valfortore is a beautiful Italian municipality that primarily preserves ancient history. So, if you are curious to discover the past or walk on the summits of mountains and enjoy the beauty of natural places, Roseto Valfortore is the place for you. Come and visit us!

Federico Conte
Updated Wednesday, Jul 6, 2022