Roncegno Terme

Welcome to Roncegno Terme

Hello everyone! Today I'll talk about Roncegno Terme, a beautiful Italian municipality located in the Trento province, in the heart of the stunning Valsugana valley. With its 2911 inhabitants and its strategic location only 30 kilometers away from Trento, the capital city, Roncegno Terme is the ideal place to spend a nature-filled and relaxing vacation. In this article, I'll talk about the fascinating natural geography of this territory, its natural beauty, cultural treasures, and recreational activities that are waiting to be discovered.

Fascinating Natural Geography

The territory of Roncegno Terme is characterized by a phenomenal altitude excursion: from its lowest point at 392.7 meters above sea level near the old Brenta riverbed, to the highest point at 2381 meters above sea level of Gronlait. The area is populated by the Panarotta - Monte Fravort - Gronlait ridge, which constitutes the boundary between the Brenta basin and the Adige basin. These geological peculiarities make Roncegno Terme different from the neighboring areas of Novaledo to the west, Ronchi and Borgo Valsugana to the east. The only currently convenient communication route is the road that crosses the valley and leads to Trento, located approximately 30 kilometers away, and Venice to the east, located approximately 130 kilometers away.

Roncegno Terme: nature, culture, and relaxation in Valsugana.

Cultural Treasures

Roncegno Terme is rich in history and cultural treasures. On the right bank of Larganza stands the San Biagio Hill, perched on the area known as Larganzoni. This area houses the San Biagio church, which was supposedly built in the late Middle Ages and recently restored. On the summit of the hill are the few remains of the Tesobbo Castle. To the west, there is Maso Tesobbo that culminates in Mount Sant'Osvaldo. On this mountain, you can find the Devil's Valley, where the arsenic ferruginous water sources that fed the Roncegno thermal center for a long time emerged, and the so-called "Busa del Tossego", characterized by the presence of an abandoned ancient arsenic mine. In the high Larganza Valley, on its left bank under the Bernardi farm, you can find the Devil's Valley and the Sturmwolt Woods ("Woods of hurricanes"). The Sant'Osvaldo mountain (1450 m) is found above San Biagio, passing by the Gretti and Prà del Voto farms (1181 m). Here stands the small church dedicated to Sant'Osvaldo, a devotional chapel built between the XIII and XVI centuries by a German-speaking population.

Nature and Recreational Activities

The surrounding nature offers several opportunities for those who want to spend time outdoors. Monte di Mezzo is the part of the mountain that lies between the Larganza Valley and the Chiavona stream. It is made up of many farms, rich in springs, and crossed by many mule tracks. It is cultivated up to about 1000 meters above sea level; fields and vineyards alternate with chestnut woods. Furthermore, there are the Bassa Pass (1834 m) and the Portela Pass (2152 m), which allow passage to the Fersina valley and communication with it. Roncegno Terme also offers a myriad of sports activities such as trekking, mountain biking, climbing, fishing, golfing and much more.


In summary, Roncegno Terme is a charming place where nature and relaxation reign supreme. With its unique natural beauty, fascinating cultural treasures, and a wide range of recreational activities, Roncegno Terme is a valid option for a wellness-focused vacation. I highly recommend visiting this splendid municipality and letting yourself be enchanted by its charm. Thank you for reading my article, and I'll see you at the next appointment with new destinations to discover.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Sunday, Jul 10, 2022