
Romanengo: an Italian municipality in the province of Cremona

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about Romanengo, a small Italian municipality located in the province of Cremona, in Lombardy. Romanengo, which is called "Rumanènch" in the local dialect, has about 3,179 inhabitants and is a city rich in history and traditions.


The history of Romanengo dates back many centuries, when the city was inhabited by ancient Celts. Subsequently, the territory was conquered by the Romans, who gave the city its name. Over the centuries, Romanengo was dominated by various powers, including the Visconti and the Sforza. In the 19th century, the city experienced a phase of economic development thanks to the opening of the Lodi-Crema-Soncino tramway, which crossed the territory of Romanengo.

Romanengo: history and traditions of a Lombard municipality


The coat of arms of Romanengo was granted in 1997. The banner is a yellow flag.


Demographic evolution

Over the years, the population of Romanengo has grown steadily, from 2,725 inhabitants in 1861 to 3,179 inhabitants in 2021.

Ethnic groups and foreign minorities

Some foreign citizens live in Romanengo. As of December 31, 2020, there were 383 foreign citizens. The numerically significant national communities are India, Romania, Morocco, and Albania.

Infrastructure and transport

The territory of Romanengo is crossed by the ex state road 235 of Orzinuovi and the provincial road 20 Castelleone-Casaletto di Sopra. In the past, a tramway crossed the city, but today it is no longer in operation.


Since 1985, Romanengo has had several mayors. In addition, the city is part of the Lombard Union of Fontanili Municipalities, along with the municipalities of Casaletto di Sopra and Ticengo.

Other administrative information

Romanengo has a long administrative tradition and is part of the province of Cremona.


Romanengo is a city full of history and tradition, so much so that it was affected by the Soncino earthquake in 2008.

Related voices

The territory of Romanengo is rich in natural and historical attractions, such as the Naviglio della Melotta, the Naviglio di Melotta Nature Reserve, the Naviglio Civico di Cremona, the Pianalto di Romanengo Park and the Cremonese Navigli.

Other projects

If you are interested in the history and culture of Romanengo, I recommend visiting the municipality's website, which contains many interesting information. Thank you for reading, see you soon!

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Monday, Oct 24, 2022