
Fossato: a place rich in history and natural beauty

Fossato is a location situated in the Lombardy region, which is part of the municipality of Rodigo. The name derives from the ditches dug along the Mincio river for land reclamation. The area is known for its natural beauty, but also for its rich history of important events and illustrious figures who have stayed here.

Villa Nievo: history and curiosities

One of the main points of interest in Fossato is the villa of the Nievo family, which bought the estate way back in 1756. The villa also includes extensive agricultural lands among which the author of "Confessions of an Italian", Ippolito Nievo, spent much of the years from 1855 to 1861. Here he wrote some of his most famous works including "Garibaldian Loves", "National Revolution, Political Revolution", "Venice and the freedom of Italy" and the final part of "Confessions of an Italian".

Moat: nature, history, and culture in Lombardy.

The cultural heritage of Fossato

In addition to the history of the villa Nievo, the area has another point of cultural interest: the Oratory of the Announced Virgin, built in the XIV century. The small church has great value for the local community and is an example of medieval sacred architecture.

An ideal place for nature and outdoor activities

Fossato is an ideal destination for lovers of nature and outdoor activities. The area is very impressive thanks to the Mincio river, the canals along the river valley and the richness of the local flora and fauna. There are several walks and hiking trails to choose from, and many panoramic points to take breathtaking photos.


In summary, Fossato is a location in Lombardy that offers a perfect combination of nature, history and culture. The villa of the Nievo family, the Oratory of the Announced Virgin and the surrounding environment make this place a perfect destination to spend a day discovering Lombard heritage.

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Friday, Sep 23, 2022