
A country for poetry: Roddi, the municipality of truffle hunting dogs and the Roddi Prize

Roddi, a small town in the Piedmont region of Italy with a population of 1585, hides a history and a cultural heritage that make it a unique place in the world. In addition to being the scene of a famous battle of ancient Rome, Roddi is also home to the only "university" for truffle hunting dogs in the world, founded in 1880 by Antonio Monchiero, known as "Barot". But Roddi's uniqueness does not end here: every year the town hosts the Roddi Prize, a poetry competition organized by the Roddi Prize Association. The competition is famous for its special attention to manuscripts written by children and school-aged youths, as well as manuscripts in Piedmontese dialect. In 2010, the town council decided to give Roddi the title of "A country for poetry", recognizing the growing popularity of the Roddi Prize.

The history of Roddi

Roddi takes its name from the Celtic word "Raud" or "Rod", which means "river", and is located on the hill that overlooks the battlefield of Campi Raudii in 101 BC, where Gaius Marius defeated the Cimbri. In the Middle Ages, Roddi was a fiefdom of the Monferrato Marquisate and then, in 1525, passed into the possession of Giovanna Carafa, wife of Giovanni Francesco II Pico della Mirandola. After her husband's assassination in 1533, Giovanna moved to the castle of Roddi overlooking the town. Upon Giovanna's death, the castle and its related possessions passed to her son, Gian Tommaso Pico, and then to the descendants of the family. The castle of Roddi, originally constructed in the 11th century, underwent significant renovations in the 15th century, becoming one of the main tourist attractions of the town.

Roddi: history, poetry, and Piedmontese traditions.

The administration and society of Roddi

Roddi is part of the Union of Colline di Langa e del Barolo municipalities, and its administration has been represented by different administrations over the years. The society of Roddi has a population of 1585 inhabitants, including 114 foreign citizens as of December 31, 2017, with the majority coming from Romania.

The castle and places of interest in Roddi

The castle of Roddi is one of the most evocative and representative places in the town, located prominently in the town center. In addition to the castle, there are other buildings and monuments of significant interest, such as the church of Santa Maria Assunta, in the homonymous central square of the town. Since 2007, the castle of Roddi has been part of the "Castelli Doc" network of castles, together with Grinzane Cavour, Barolo, Serralunga d'Alba, Govone, Magliano Alfieri, Mango and Benevello.


In conclusion, Roddi is a unique and fascinating place that preserves a rich history and a cultural heritage of inestimable value. Its "university" for truffle hunting dogs and the Roddi Prize demonstrate the passion and love for local traditions, while the castle and other places of interest testify to the beauty and allure of the Piedmontese town. If you are looking for a place to immerse yourself in nature, poetry, and culture, Roddi could be the ideal destination for you.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Tuesday, Oct 25, 2022