
Welcome to Rodano: a green oasis just a few km from Milan

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Rodano, a municipality of about 4,644 inhabitants belonging to the metropolitan city of Milan. This area is located about 6 km east of Milan and is notable for its vast agricultural land that makes it a green oasis just minutes from the city.

Physical Geography

Rodano is part of the South Milan Agricultural Park, a protected natural area that has preserved many of its original features, such as the numerous springs that represent one of the typical aspects of the Po Valley. One of these, the Muzzetta Natural Reserve, is a protected area considered a SIC by the European Community and is an excellent example of a typical florofaunistic area worth visiting upon request.

Rhône: the enchanting green oasis near Milan.


The territory of Rodano has a really interesting history. Being closely linked to the Pieve of Segrate and that of Settala, it was divided into the fiefdom of Melzo. Later, Galeazzo Maria Sforza issued a decree in 1475 authorizing the lands granted in fiefdom to Lucia Marliano to be released from any obligation of subordination to Milan and the Duchy. In 1533, the fiefdom was formally divided among his descendants, Gian Fermo and the Catelano brothers.

In 1577, Carlo Emanuele Teodoro Trivulzio inherited the fiefdom of Melzo and, after several events, today's delegations of Rodano became part of this fiefdom. In 1783, after the death of Anna Caterina Del Porro, it returned to the possession of the camerale fiefdom. After some disputes, the Municipality of Rodano was established by a royal decree in 1869 by King Vittorio Emanuele II.

Places of interest

A place of particular interest in this municipality is the Castle of Rodano, a medieval building dating back to the 12th century which was then transformed into an elegant manor. Today it is privately owned but its cloisters and courtyards are often open to the public.

The parish church of Santa Cristina, dating back to the 17th century, is also an interesting reference point for the city. The church is famous for the statue of Maria Santissima di Ronzano, one of the most venerated Marian icons in all of northern Italy.

Let's not forget the culinary tradition of Rodano, which includes dishes such as Treviso risotto, Bergamo-style lamb and Pasqualina cake. These dishes are typical of the region and must be tried!

Daily life

Whether you are looking for a new place to live or just an interesting area to spend a couple of days, Rodano is a fantastic place in many ways. Daily life here will give you the opportunity to relax and enjoy the peace of nature, far enough away from the hustle and bustle of the city, but still close enough to enjoy the advantages of urban life.

The schools in Rodano include a variety of institutes, from kindergartens to the Milanese university. There is also a large number of shops, bars, restaurants, parks and a library, which makes life comfortable for the locals.

If you love nature, agritourism and long walks, come and visit us! Rodano will give you the opportunity to immerse yourself in rural life and appreciate all the natural riches of the area.

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Thursday, Dec 15, 2022