Roccella Valdemone

A brief introduction to Roccella Valdemone

Roccella Valdemone is a municipality located in the metropolitan city of Messina in Sicily, Italy. With a population of inhabitants, Roccella Valdemone has a long history dating back to ancient times. In this text, we will explore the history, culture, and attractions of this beautiful Italian city.

History of Roccella Valdemone

The name Roccella Valdemone originates from one of the three administrative districts in which the Arabs divided Sicily, namely the Vallo di Demenna, which in turn comes from the Latin Vallum (wall). During the Norman period, the population approached and stabilized around the castle, which became a strategic center that was difficult to conquer. At that time, the barony of Roccella consisted of seven and a half fiefs, offered to the Barons as a reward for military services rendered. During the reign of Federico II d'Aragona in 1296, Damiano Spadafora (family) became the baron of Roccella by virtue of an ancient possession and not by a new royal concession. The barony became a marquisate with Michele Spadafora Maniaci, the first marquis with an enforceable sentence given in Palermo on June 23, 1579.

With sales of February 15, 1628, and March 8, 1631, the Marquis of Roccella Francesco Spatafora transferred the fiefs of S. Domenica, lo Porritto, Pozzoleo, and Juncarà with the Villano estate to Sebastiano Pagano, thus giving rise to a distinct signoria with an autonomous vocation. The Spadafora coat of arms, composed of the right arm armed with a sword, is still depicted in the municipal banner. In the village, the subdivision into districts that have marked the urban center since ancient times is still alive: ''Baglittu, Tingituria, Chiazza, Santamaria, Cruci and Stratuni.''

Discover Roccella Valdemone: history, art, and nature in Sicily.

Art and Culture of Roccella Valdemone

Roccella Valdemone has been influenced by many cultures and traditions, particularly Arab and Norman, which can be seen in its historical monuments and city districts. One of the most important monuments in the city is the Norman Castle, dating back to the Norman period and located in the center of the city. The castle was built for military purposes, and its strategic location allowed it to protect residents from the threat of foreign invasions.

Another historical attraction in the city is the Cenobio di San Nicolò di Pillera, located in the Pillera stream valley. Built since 1112, the cenobio was listed as one of thirty-eight monasteries dependent on the Archimandrite of the SS. Salvatore of Messina, and its presence played an important role in the urban development of Roccella Valdemone.

Natural Attractions

The municipal territory of Roccella Valdemone also includes numerous natural attractions. The landscape of the area is dominated by the Roccella stream, which runs through much of the municipal territory. The area is also characterized by abundant vegetation and the presence of numerous birds, such as the peregrine falcon.

The Malabotta Forest is another natural attraction in the area. It is a forested area located northwest of the city, and it has been recognized as a Natural Oriented Reserve. The forest offers hikers the opportunity to explore the wild nature of the area and to admire the local flora and fauna.

Food and Gastronomy

The cuisine of Roccella Valdemone reflects Sicilian culinary tradition and is based on fresh and seasonal ingredients. The most famous dishes in the region include caponata, a dish of fried vegetables and onions, and pasta alla Norma, a pasta with eggplant, tomatoes, and ricotta cheese.

Among the typical products of the region, there are also goat cheeses, green and black olives, olive oil, and local wine. Traditional desserts include cassata, a sweet made with ricotta cheese, chocolate, and candied citron, and cannoli, tubes of pastry filled with sweet ricotta cream.


In conclusion, Roccella Valdemone is a city rich in history, culture, art, and nature. From the Norman Castle to the Cenobio di San Nicolò di Pillera, the city offers numerous historical and natural attractions that can be explored by hikers and tourists. The local cuisine reflects Sicilian culinary tradition and is based on fresh and high-quality ingredients. If you want to discover the beauty and charm of Sicily, Roccella Valdemone is definitely a place to visit.

Laura De Luca
Wrote by Laura De Luca
Updated Wednesday, Feb 8, 2023