
Roccaverano: Discovering the history and tradition of the city famous for Robiola cheese

Roccaverano is a small Italian municipality located in the province of Asti in Piedmont. It is famous for producing Robiola cheese and for being the highest municipality in Asti with an altitude of about 800 meters above sea level.

The history of Roccaverano

The name of the town might come from "Rocha Uverani," cited in an ancient document which is connected to the nearby Ovrano stream. However, a diploma by Emperor Otto I of Saxony granting the dominion of the place to Aleramo del Monferrato, reports the name "Ruspaverano". In any case, the town developed as a place of military importance during the time of Bonifacio del Vasto and increased in prestige in the following centuries.

During the War of the Mantuan Succession and the War of the Monferrato, the castle of Roccaverano was vigorously defended by the French occupants and finally conquered in 1615 by the Spanish led by don Luigi di Cordova. In 1633, the entire town was plundered by Neapolitan militias headed to Alsace.

In 1673, the dominion passed to Carlo Emanuele II of Savoy, but in the following century, it suffered two more military occupations, by the French in 1715 and the Spanish in 1744. All these events led to the loss of the castle, of which fragments of the walls and the powerful cylindrical tower remain.

History and tradition of the Robiola cheese city

Monuments and places of interest

The symbol of the city is the tower of Roccaverano, about 30 meters high, which was part of the ancient castle and is circular in shape with three orders of hanging arches on the top. After the restoration in the early 2000s, which also involved the adjacent surviving facade of the castle, it is open to the public and visitable all year round.

Moreover, at the bottom of the castle, four cross-shaped arrow slits are visible. Inside stands the circular base tower.

Society and demographic evolution

The Municipality of Roccaverano has experienced a significant depopulation in a century, equal to 80% of the resident population in 1911. However, Roccaverano has maintained a strong cultural identity, thanks to a series of events organized throughout the year.

Culture and events in Roccaverano

The "Fiera Carrettesca ai sapori di Robiola a Roccaverano" is an event organized in June, while the "Cena sotto le stelle" is an opportunity to taste the local specialties of the surrounding area. The "Sagra del Polentone" is organized by the Pro loco, on the first Sunday of June. In addition, there's the "Mostra Caprina", with an exhibition of caprine animals from local companies and a lunch organized by Pro loco during the first two weeks of September.

Food and wine

Roccaverano is widely known nationally and internationally for its renowned Robiola di Roccaverano Protected Designation of Origin, which is a soft cheese with a delicate and slightly acidic taste and a fragrant aroma.

In conclusion, Roccaverano is a small Piedmontese town that has managed to maintain its culture and traditions intact, thanks to the events organized throughout the year and the production of its typical cheese. Visiting this splendid town, among the Piedmontese hills, means immersing oneself in the history and tradition of this land.

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Thursday, Dec 8, 2022