
Roccanova: a hidden treasure among the valleys of Basilicata

Roccanova is an Italian municipality in the province of Potenza in Basilicata, with a population of 1311 inhabitants. This idyllic village is located 648 meters above sea level, immersed among the magnificent valleys of the Agri, Sinni and Sarmento rivers.

Physical geography

The main attraction of Roccanova are the cellar-caves carved directly into the tuff in which wooden barrels useful for the production of Grottino di Roccanova DOP wine are placed. Thanks to this precious wine, the city has been named "city of wine" by the Enogastronomic Consortium of Basilicata. This territory also has the Caliuvo forest under municipal jurisdiction, in which ancient springs flow such as the one called "Acqua del Tasso". Of particular interest is also the so-called "Cozzo della Guardiola", a panoramic hilltop that was probably used by bandits as a strategic lookout point.

Roccanova: the village in the heart of the Lucanian valleys.


Roccanova is a medieval village and the first official news of the Universitas Roccae Novae dates back to 1276. During the earthquake of 1857, Roccanova was one of the most devastated municipalities with 85 deaths and much of the historic center destroyed. The coat of arms and the banner were granted by a decree of the President of the Republic in 1983.

Monuments and places of interest

In the historical part of the city there are noble palaces of good workmanship such as Palazzo Fortunato and Palazzo Mendaia, both in degraded conditions. There are also two churches, the church of San Rocco and the church of Nicola di Mira. The reconstruction of the latter ended only around 1980 after resuming and interrupting the work over the years. In addition, there is a sundial built in 1882 in Piazza del Popolo by the Turin engineer Telfi, who had been in Roccanova in 1864 as captain of some sharpshooters engaged in combating banditry.


Roccanova has two information periodicals, the monthly "La Piazza" and the quarterly "La voce della comunità". In addition, one of the most important events is the festival of San Rocco, which takes place on August 16th and attracts a large number of tourists and pilgrims from all over Italy.


The city is well-administered and has a soccer team, the "Polisportiva Roccanova 1996", which plays in the Single Group of the regional Promotion championship.


In conclusion, Roccanova can be considered a hidden treasure among the valleys of Basilicata. With its medieval history, its noble palaces and cellar-caves, the municipality has a unique attraction for tourists and wine lovers. The town is carefully managed and events such as the festival of San Rocco demonstrate the community's pride in their city. Anyone who finds themselves in Basilicata should consider visiting this wonderful town.

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Wednesday, Jan 12, 2022